
Advent Eve's Nascent Life Vigil

Last night I participated in the world-wide vigil for nascent human Life –“Life not yet born.” There were no bright lights, no large video screens, no gut wrenching images displayed before us; no, with eyes closed and heads bowed, together we meditated, prayed, pondered, and listened with ears and hearts wide open to the essence of emerging Life not only in wombs throughout world, but that within our very own beings in need of protection, care and nurturing.

I love it that this vigil for Nascent Life was held on Advent’s Eve.


Divine Patience Unconditional Love

Seems "unconditional Love" has more to do with "unconditional Patience" ...quiet, divinely expectant...patience - more so perhaps than any other expression of Love -rare in human terms and deeper somehow than simple lack of expectations.

Patiently waiting