
Big Wind Through the Window

Dark fear comes silently in as smoke under a door,
swirling around me until I smell it and know it.

Today I look at it and say, ¨no.¨

I look at each fear and say, ¨no.¨

I say, ¨no.¨

I depend on Godś love.
I depend on Godś love.
I depend on Godś love.

God´s love as big wind through the window, blows fear away
and keeps blowing.

God´s love sweeping my soul.


unpacking fear

the last couple days on my blogs we have been rolling around fear. it has been said that "hate" is not the opposite of love, but "fear" is. with that in mind, i decided to post today's blog over here on the TLIO blog. jim

last night a few of us fleshed out rick’s thought that fear is often the result of misplaced dependency, which are ways we seek identity, purpose, love, identity, acceptance, life, worth, security, meaning, value, happiness outside ourselves in external things as opposed to depending upon the life of Christ within.

we fear failure because we have a misplaced dependency upon “success” for value and worth.

we fear rejection because we have a misplaced dependency upon other’s opinions of us for acceptance.

we fear financial loss because we have a misplaced dependency upon money for security.

we fear abandonment because we have a misplaced dependency upon significant others for love.

we fear God because we have a misplaced dependency upon a false God who measures his favor and blessing in our life against our performance.

we fear aging or physical setbacks because we have a misplaced dependency on our physical appearance for worth and acceptance.

we fear honesty because we have a misplaced dependency on an image of having it all together for a sense of identity.

we fear being a nobody because we have a misplaced dependency upon being a somebody for a sense of purpose and meaning and value.

we fear…

Christ says, “I AM the bread of Life.” in other words, Christ’s Life which dwells within us, is the Bread that fills and maintains our need and desire for identity, purpose, love, identity, acceptance, life, worth, security, meaning, value, happiness, etc…

we seek all of this outside ourselves, and yet it is fully available in every moment inside of us through the life of Christ - “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” so, we walk in dependency upon the Bread of Christ within us.

(photo by conceptvessel)


We are one.

Be silent.
Know humility.
Feel gratitude.

Bask in God's presence.
We are one.

Photo is from my cousin, Kevin VanHorn. It is sunset at Nehalem Bay.


God/Love Sightings

Yesterday I was in a building where I go on Sundays to worship God in community with some friends. My daughter and son-in-law were here visiting from far-away Florida. While I was standing alongside them, sandwiched between my daughter and another good friend, I was looking directly at other people I love up on the stage in front of me, and what joy there was in exchanging smiles of love as they sang for us all. My youngest son was up there too, and suddenly he broke out playing this lovely riff of a guitar solo, and I got tears in my eyes. What a gift to be surrounded by people I love, and listening to my son express himself through his creativity. I was filled with and surrounded by sacred Love.

And now I'm off to buy French Vanilla creamer for my daughter, so we can share one last morning coffee together before she flies home. I am cherishing these moments, this life, today.


becoming who we are

a myspace friend sent me the below words this morning...

Love is our way of knowing the unknown
Our way of kissing eternity.
The burning desires within to feel Love.
To be Loved is our deeper selves crying out for home.
and in the stillness of silence the force of true Love divine
becomes alive within.
Our Spirit soars.
We experience oneness with all things.
For all things are one.
In that moment of total oneness with the
force of Love we are brought into our true self.
We become who we are.
We become LOVE.

(photo by GemmaKate)


The Call Forth: A Short Play

One Brief Act
One Character: Three Emotes (made up word)
Scene: Very Large Mirror
*Disclaimer: the character represented in this “play” is me, Keren, no one else – the thoughts are true to me at this moment*

Mirror Right: The Good (through passion)
At times, so strongly I feel a sensation, an intense pleasure, a rapture even. I can be sitting by myself and all of a sudden I am touching absolutely everyone and everything and All are held in one golden embrace.

Mirror Left: The Bad (with self-reliance)
This is very real to me. I attempt to hang on to this because I crave Peace in my life, but also respect. I want to show not only to myself, but also to others, that I understand and live Love which I feel and express.

Mirror Straight On: The Ugly (in judgment)
Many times though, I don’t understand why people don’t recognize the obvious love in me, and in themselves, when to me it is so clearly there. They are d***heads.


Commentary: Ok yes, I am in sort of a “mood” based on my own behavior. I still am Love though. Love is through with and in me, and all of us at our core, just not always on the surface.

Peace and Love and Happy


Bathed in Love

Duke Ellington said, "If it sounds good, it is good." With that in mind, I'm certainly no expert in great literature. However, whenever I read Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau I always hear something good. Take these opening lines from Emerson's essay Friendship.
"We have a great deal more kindness than is ever spoken. Barring all the selfishness that chills like east winds of the world, the whole human family is bathed with an element of love like a fine ether."
How evocative. Those words move me and give me hope. It takes great courage and vision to see this, and I certainly don't all the time. But I've witnessed it enough to believe it to be true


The Unity of All That Is

Love unites all, whether created or uncreated. The heart of God, the heart of all creation, and our own hearts become one in love. That's what all the great mystics have been trying to tell us through the ages. Benedict, Francis, Hildegard of Bingen, Hadewijch of Brabant, Meister Eckhart, Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Dag Hammarskjeld, Thomas Merton, and many others, all in their own ways and their own languages, have witnessed to the unifying power of the divine love. All of them, however, spoke with a knowledge that came to them not through intellectual arguments but through contemplative prayer. The Spirit of Jesus allowed them to see the heart of God, the heart of the universe, and their own hearts as one. It is in the heart of God that we can come to the full realisation of the unity of all that is, created and uncreated.
~henri nouwen


What is Love?

I love you whether or not you love me
I love you even if you think that I don't
Sometimes I find you doubt my love for you, but I don't mind
Why should I mind, Why should I mind
What is Love anyway, does anybody love anybody anyway
What is Love anyway, does anybody love anybody anyway

Can anybody love anyone so much that they will never fear
Never worry never be sad
The answer is they cannot love this much nobody can
This is why I don't mind you doubting
What is Love anyway, does anybody love anybody anyway
What is Love anyway, does anybody love anybody anyway

And maybe love is letting people be just what they want to be
The door always must be left unlocked
To love when circumstance may lead someone away from you
And not to spend the time just doubting
What is Love anyway, does anybody love anybody anyway
What is Love anyway, does anybody love anybody anyway

--Howard Jones What is Love

Today these words were resurrected in my mind...somehow my subconscious dug them up from many years ago, when I was in high school and this song was on the radio. I used to think this song was sad. I believed it was saying that no one could ever really Love anyone. But a closer look today revealed something else; it became obvious to me, for the first time, that this song could be perceived as spiritual in nature.

My curiosity was piqued, and in my quest for meaning to this song, I discovered that Howard Jones, the author, practices Nichiren Buddhism. However, I think in many ways these words are universal. If any of us believe in God, we will inevitably at some point doubt God's Love for us. Our understanding of Love is so limited by our human nature we can't help but wonder if God's Love is really real, truly unconditional. Is it really possible that God loves us so thoroughly that our doubts are acceptable to God? As humans, we cannot comprehend this measure of Love, but it does exist.

This song touches me in its last verse. I just wonder if those words don't personify how God views us, how God Loves us? Could we think, for a moment, that God may Love us so much that the door is always left unlocked, even as we pursue our own lives, even, maybe, apart from God? Does God still love us even when we wander away?

Something to think about.

I hope this isn't too trite

After coming by to post and seeing the sad news delivered by Marilyn Ruth, I feel like anything I'd say would be too trite.

I do recall something written by noted psychologist and child advocate Alice Miller. She said that anyone who kills another has already been killed themselves.

This type of violence (not to mention what happened in West Virginia recently) reminds us of the utmost importance to break the cycle and to form new mental, emotional, and practical structures in our lives and world. Life is too precious. Each individual matters.

That poor sweet girl.

May God have mercy on us all.


How can we best love here?

A six year old in our small town was brutally murdered on Monday.

She was beautiful in every way.

The grief here is overwhelming.

My sister offered this bible verse to console me.

Matthew 18:10 ¨Let it not seem to you that one of these little ones is of no value; for I say to you that in heaven their angels see at all times the face of my Father in heaven.¨

Love is reckless; not reason

Love is reckless; not reason.
Reason seeks a profit.
Love comes on strong,
consuming herself, unabashed.

Yet, in the midst of suffering,
Love proceeds like a millstone,
hard surfaced and straightforward.

Having died of self-interest,
she risks everything and asks for nothing.
Love gambles away every gift God bestows.

Without cause God gave us Being;
without cause, give it back again.

by, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi - Coleman Barks interpretatoin

Keren's thoughts
A 12th century Muslim teaches me about God i.e. Love i.e. Jesus to me.

*Love i.e. God in me takes risks
*Love i.e. God in me extends itself
God i.e. Love i.e. Jesus is unabashedly vulnerable.
*God i.e. Love i.e. Jesus is full of Emotion – like me.
Human – like me is Needy for Love i.e God in all His people no matter what our backgrounds or current situations happen to be.

I had another post, titled "chanticleer", I was ready to post, and will later. However, recent events, particularly today, in All aspects of my circle of life invloved taking risks for the sake of Love i.e. God i.e. Jesus. So Holy Spirit - here ya' go.


PS . There is a New Testament (I think) reference to: "Without cause God gave us Being; without cause, give it back again." Perhaps you might know it?


Gallery Photo of the Week

Hole Hearted

I have always had an affinity for cracked and broken things - sidewalks, windows, old walls with peeling paint. Within such worn and battered things I know there is a beauty hidden inside, like the heart formed by these cracks and fissures. Within all of our chipped, worn and broken soul places there is beauty, and only great Love can coax it to the surface.


I am your reflection

anne added her above artistic rendering to the TLIO flickr group, which i saw this morning. both the words and the creative design stimulated an awareness of Love's presence within me.


God's Directions

For several years. I lived with chronic back pain. I've undergone treatment and have been feeling much better...until Tuesday when a "flare up" began. This morning after attempting to sit down, I just blurted out, "Wow, it hurts so bad."

My five year old son, walked to me and patted my side. He said tenderly, "That will help you feel better." I replied, "You're so filled with love."

Without skipping a beat, he smiled and blurted out, "That's God's directions!"


Love God

I think I understand ¨love your neighbor¨ better than I understand ¨love God.¨

How can I love God and know God?

God is love.
God is bigger than the universe.
God is the universe.
I see God in creation.
God is still creating.
I am a very important treasured speck of dust in Godś infinite plan.
God is my father and my mother.

Jesus said, ¨pray Godś kingdom of love be on earth as in the heavens.¨
Jesus said, ¨pray Godś will be done on earth as in the heavens.¨

Wait a minute!

I have discovered I am afraid of Godś will! That is crazy!
Why do I feel that way? It does not make sense. I know God loves me.

I don´t want to be separated from God in any way. I want to surrender to God´s will. I want to be one with God.

Are other people afraid of surrendering to Godś will?

I sort of suspect that someplace deep in my memory God´s will has gotten a bad rap.

God . . . would you help me figure this out please?

Re-United with Love

here's what i saw in the below drama...
God is Love. God or Love satisfies, and brings peace, contentment, and joy. But then we sink into the illusions of this world, and forget Love. The journey of our forgetfulness brings suffering, which often re-awakens us to Love's presence. Love never fails. Love never stops seeking us out, and making itself available to us in every moment.


Dive In!

Hey everyone, as you may recall, Jim was graciously invited to swim over to The Porpoise Diving Life this September as guest editor. This is part of what Jim had to say about his guest theme:

"When it was time to turn my attention to the September 2007 edition of theporpoisedivinglife.com, identifying the theme was a no-brainer. I had just finished writing Wide Open Spaces, which continues the story of my spiritual metamorphosis of knowing God beyond religion. It became increasingly clear as I wrote that Love is at the center of my transformation. I share an excerpt from the book about this as part of the September edition.

I invited people to share some aspect of their journey as it relates to Love. I hope the offerings and reflections of Love you'll see stimulate a greater awareness of Love for each person who reads them.

Speaking of Love, I am so often on the receiving end of Love when it comes to Bill Dahl. There are plenty of people with all kinds of concepts and notions about God and spiritual things, but Bill is one of those people who inspires and challenges me because he lives Love, and turns God’s Love for him and in him out to others without condition. Bill is an expression of the unconditional Love and acceptance of God for the world, and my desire for this September 2007 edition of The Porpoise Diving Life is to inspire each of us to likewise be these expressions of Love along the everyday paths of life."

Thank you Jim for all your work on this guest editor theme about Turn Love Inside Out, and my thanks to Bill for his kind invitation. I'm so grateful to know you both!

Picture of the Week

This picture was added to our TLIO Flickr Group by TelPortfolio. it is a photograph of The Compassion Centre in Tory St, Wellington (New Zealand). Today is Labor Day, and when I read about the Centre, the thought of a "labor of love" came to mind. On the website, I discovered that a core value of the Sisters of Compassion is the balance of "contemplation and action." It was hard to miss the connection to the "turn love inside out" theme. In contemplation, we become aware of God's Love in us, for us, and as us. Then naturally, this Love takes shape in words and actions that flow out of us to the world.


Snow on the Mountain

One of my favorite Texas wildflowers is called ¨Snow on the Mountain.¨ On my drive to work I see countless miles of these flowers covering the meadows. They indeed look like drifts of snow. Add the sun rising through low-lying fog, colors reaching across the horizon . . .

All of creation is crying out ¨God Loves You!!¨

As I soak this in I am realizing . . . ¨God is my father and my mother.¨

I am wrapped in mother/father love.

Let Your Love Flow


Let your love flow outward through the universe,
To its height, its depth, its broad extent,
A limitless love, without hatred or enmity.
Then as you stand or walk,
Sit or lie down,
As long as you are awake,
Strive for this with a one-pointed mind;
Your life will bring heaven to earth.

Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying