
How do you love the unlovable?

I spend a lot time “acting the fool”. Especially now that I am “spiritual” I find myself saying things and wondering, why did I say that?? Who do I think I am? Acckk!! I find myself in situations and ask myself, what am I even doing here? Him (my husband) wonders about me too. He thinks I have lost it, and worries I am going to put myself in a bad position one way or another.

He doesn’t believe me anymore when I say someone is my friend. I refer to everyone as my friend whether I know them or not. Like the guy who begs for money at the big intersection near our house. I give him a dollar now and then and he gives me a blessing and calls me "baby." I love that, so he is my friend. Am I desperate for friends? Probably, or I suppose I might have a broader definition of “friend” than Him does. (I’m sure glad he doesn’t read most of my posts….)

Him’s best quality is his sense of humor. He makes me laugh every day. He is subtly irreverent and loves finding humor in the absurd. He readily laughs at himself too, a rare gift. He laughs at me more though – I give him all his best material. I took singing lessons a few months ago and was practicing some pretty high notes at home, in my room, behind closed door. He knocked on the door and politely asked “will you please wait until I die to do that?” Then he said he was going to go ahead and bury the cats. … Nice.

That is pretty unlovable, particularly since I was really trying to sound pretty … but I know Him and his love for me, so he can say that, someone else I would slug. Or more than likely I would cry.

How do we love the unlovable? including ourselves when we mess up, make a fool of ourselves, miss the mark, when we feel superior or inferior to others, don’t live up to expectations, when we hurt or disappoint someone whether intentional or not, or when they hurt us…whatever.

How do you love the unlovable?


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

The usefullness or beauty of something may not be immediately evident. I almost discarded this photo because at first glance it seemed to be just a blur. Just as I started to hit "delete" something caught my eye, and it was Bailey's (cat) eye. I zoomed in some and the above was revealed. The ephemeral movement weighted by the eye in focus, and hind feet on the ground.

It also appears to be a fairly good representation of how my life has seemed the last few weeks, months...year(s). A whirl, and she was just rolling down a few stair steps.




"A conversion is a lonely experience. We do not know what is going on in the depths of the heart and soul of another. We scarcely know ourselves". ... Dorothy Day.

I have just been formally introduced to Dorothy Day. I bow before the above quote, and kneel within its significance.

How can anyone say Love, Peace, Life is,or even should be, always easy. (sometimes yes....hopefully)


PS With much gratitude to Fr. Rminijsa. Hey... she was a Benedictine Oblate. Encompasses a lot for me with regard to my distant but present guides. :o)

Morning Prayer (anonymous)

It is said that Eleanor Roosevelt carried the following prayer in her purse:

"Our Father, who has set a restlessness in our hearts and made us seekers after that which we can never fully find, keep us at tasks too hard for us, that we may be drawn to you for strength. Amen."



Lovers Lane with Pink Impatiens

Peace, and Happy Weekend.


Both Sides Now - Optimism Wins

It seems to me, part of the silver lining, around the cloud of high gas prices, is perhaps making more opportunity for us to spend time paying loving attention to and enjoying the people and things in our own communities.

Better to do a good deed near at home than go far away to burn incense....Amelia Earhart

This describes my plan for the weekend. Haven't yet decided on the good deed part, but "near at home" is settled.



Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle v2

This principle has always appealed to me on a spiritual level, even though it is of course based on quantum (sub-atomic) physics.
In very layman terms, it states that the very act of observing/measuring something changes it, so its position /attributes cannot be determined with 100% accuracy.
Crude comparison for now, but in day-to-day terms, for example, when someone is standing behind me, watching me when I am typing, I freeze and can barely remember the keyboard placements.

Could it be the very act of trying to observe/measure our own concept of God/Love changes it. To me it seems once one revelation is understood, immediately something comes along to challenge it, question or doubt our understanding of it. Hmmm .

This post resulted from a dream last night, Im going to come back to it later….Gotta get towork now.
Ok Im home for lunch and wanted to add this.

When God/Love measures/probes our heart, we are changed....when we feel it and respond to it.

Too, this principle may also indicate our inability to judge anything without touching some aspect of it - whether negative or positive.



Unity in Love

People often ask me why Catholics don't allow non-Catholics to take communion, and how I can take communion when my family cannot. Isn't that exclusion?

Well..to me...when I take communion in the Catholic church, I am in union with everything the church teaches about the Eucharist, which is central to everything the church teaches about Jesus.

How did I learn about the church and the Eucharist? I went through a class (generally required for non-baptised adults) prior to joining the church) RCIA "Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults." In this class, I had the opportunity to learn about the church and the sacraments, bible history, etc. There are so many misconceptions about the Catholic church, the class addressed every one's questions. I had the time to really understand the commitment I was making to Jesus. Then after I was baptised, there were 6 more weeks of reflection. To me it was a wonderful opportunity and experience. It took about a year.

My husband, at least at this point, doesn't choose to worship as a Catholic. He knows I do, and we love each other, which means we love what is different about each other, as well as what we have in common.

All that said, when I take communion in church, I am experiencing Unity with all I Love and hold dear in my heart - so my husband and family are indeed included.

I'd be happy to answer any questions here, or email if you like - email on my profile.

Have a great week!



Blessed are the Pure in Heart

Excerpt from "Chastity And the Enchantment of Life" Ron Rolheiser, OMI, 2008-06-08 column. www.ronrolheiser.com

"To be chaste is to experience people, things, places, entertainment, the phases of one’s life, life’s opportunities, and sex, in a way that does not violate them or ourselves. Chastity means to experience things reverently, so that the experience of them leaves both them and ourselves more, not less, integrated. Thus, I am chaste when I relate to others in a way that does not violate their moral, psychological, emotional, sexual, or aesthetic contours. I am chaste when I do not let irreverence or impatience ruin what is gift, when I let life, others, and sex, be fully what they are. Conversely, I lack chastity when I transgress boundaries prematurely or irreverently, when I violate anything so as to somehow reduce is full gift.

Chastity is respect and reverence. The fruits of that are integration, gratitude, and joy. Lack of chastity is irreverence. The fruits of that are disintegration, bitterness, and cynicism (all infallible signs of the lack of chastity)."

Keren's note: I hope you take the time to read the entire column - there is so much more to it than what I posted here.

In so many ways I have lacked chastity, and seem to continue to find new ways, in a sense, to denigrate myself and (hopefully not, but probably) others. So to me, this is perhaps one of the most important articles I have ever read. Period.

I have pondered it in my head and my heart since Monday. It has literally taken me, and I am excited, enlightened, and wanting more. Chastity is how to see God. (read the whole thing please - link below)

It is important because it is right. Achieving the full beauty / the truth of what IS...inside our spirituality, our relationships/family lives, our communities, our country, our world, ... our individual "peace of mind" can only come from this kind of ... purity.

Can you imagine if chastity, i.e., respect and reverence, became how we handle each of our relationships, and life experiences - most importantly ... can you imagine if this is how we handle all aspects of ourselves.

here is the link.



Peace and Love


Love-Directed Imagination

Eugene Patterson in "Leap over a Wall" said David (of Old Testament fame) had a God-directed Imagination. By my God I can Leap over a wall!

Since God is Love, we can say We have a Love-Directed Imagination.

The photo doesnt really fit, but I like it. Cats are so imaginative. Bailey and Loretta are always inventing games, pretending they are attacking enemies, or big cats hanging in trees (bookshelves and window sills) or prowling the plains, or whatever.

That's all I have right now. Gotta go to work early today.

Have a great Monday!

Peace and Love


Love Prayer of Keren (with a little help from Jabez)

Dear God-who-is-Love,

Please bless me indeed. Please enlarge my territory of Love; extend the boundaries of my heart.

Please let me feel you moving in me always, which will keep me from negativity, so I may not cause pain (for myself or for others).




O Heavenly Love Inside of Us

O Love, please help us to not ever look for you in worldly riches or success or possessions of any kind.

As much as we want them and love them...Please help us know that Love is so much more for each of us than any job, or any person, or family member or friend. Please help us feel Love as our security, our relationship, and our existence.

Please help us see Love in the abundance of beauty and good that is already inside of us. Please help us know we will continue to always have Love inside of us no matter our external situations.

Please help us recognise Love in our emptiness.

Please help us recognise Love in everyone's emptiness.


(Love aka God aka Jesus aka Spirit of Love aka Creative Force)

Peace and Love