I’d like to attribute it to approaching Spring, but we have seen this couple in the pool beginning the first week of January. That is Loretta impotently watching them. She says..."The nerve…those bird-things in my view of my big water!" As a totally indoor cat, she says “if only I could get one chance…then she says “I need a nap first tho …where is my blankie?”
We had two sets of duck families last year. At first, we wanted to get rid of them, they made poopies in the pool, etc. We try shooing them, but I suppose Him and I are lame with our “shoo shoo!”, because they just look at us. Actually just walking towards them makes them fly off, but they are smarter than we are, and come back when we are not here, build the nest and then start making us fall in love with them.
Based on past experience, once the nest is made we don’t see the male anymore, and the female is so vigilant, valiant and patient in protecting her nest. About 2 months later, the duckies hatch and are the absolute delight of our life for about 2-3 days then they are gone.
I simply cannot imagine cruelty to anything that is not attacking me or a child or someone defenseless. The cow story on the news greatly upset me this morning. I’ve been asking St Francis how he would handle this sort of thing. The first thing that came to my heart was the cows are like the sparrows too – the little simple creations under God/Love’s infinite and eternal care.. We can’t see the big picture, and we cannot judge people who seem to do cruel things. Ooo it makes me sick and mad though! Albeit impotent. I would like to say “I became a vegetarian today!” and I probably will, my intentions are very strong..but like Loretta, maybe I just need my blankie.
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