Sin. Sin does not keep us from right relationship with God, it keeps us from right relationship with each other - which results in keeping us from feeling our "rightness" with God.
Hearts. Our hearts are like babies. They need attention, they need nurturing. They cry when they need something. They are trusting, but cautious with anything unfamiliar. They need protection but they also need to be allowed to reach out and experiment and make mistakes as well as be successful in learning and doing new things. They are scared when they are all alone. They feel good when they feel loved. Their nature is sweet and fresh.
Change: True change occurs when something happens to us that strongly affects our hearts. This may not make sense to you, but this is what made the above thought occur to me....it sounds strange and uncomfortable for me to put this here, but I had a dream the other night about the Eucharist. It was so vivid and powerful that I can no longer wear lipstick. I have tried and I just cant do it for some reason. Not that it is wrong to wear lipstick - the dream just affected me in that way. It spoke something to my heart.
Perfection. I dont expect perfection out of my friends, if I did I wouldnt have any friends. I hope they dont expect perfection out of me either.
Painting is Alfie - Pit Bull Terrier Mix. Oiloncanvas
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