Happy Thanksgiving!
I want to express much gratitude and say "thank you" and "I love you" to my friends, my family, the people who visit this site and this blog, and mmy special relationships....the real ones, the indirect ones and the imaginary ones too :o)...even the ones I get mad at and even the ones who get mad at me.
Why are we always hardest on the people we love? I think it is because we know, deep inside, that they will always love us, and we will always love them.
Eternally grateful for Love - sometimes it is all we have holding us together - hey like hug?.
Peace, Love
I know I am sappy...I have done nothing but eat sweets today, including a Sprinkles cupcake ! Cherry Pie with a turkey silhouette on top. Then we topped it off with spiked eggnog....this was at work...
I drank a can of v8 juice for my vegetable.
Just testing something ..
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