I was looking deeper for Love when I fell in.
Clawing the insides of my heart, with my own hands and nails, I tried to stop the fall.
Ripped raw exposed…slippery
I can’t do this by myself, I’m letting go of my grip
Please Jesus save me too!
healing in progress

It is your desire for us to encourage eachother,
for us to consider how to rouse one another to love and good works.
to encourage one another,
encourage love and good works
through the Holy Spirit,
please open us enough for us to set our egos to the side and
let your Spirit of Love flow through with and in us.
Help me cheer somebody who needs cheering on
Help me lift somebody's spirits, even if my own may be down.
Use me to ignite even the tiniest flicker of hope into a flame.
Please speak through me to verbally recognize special gifts that may need a little encouragement to move forward.
Fill my mind, body and soul with the wisdom of Your heart.
Let my eyes see and my heart feel where encouragment is needed.
Let my hands caress, my smile enlighten, my shared-tears comfort, and my ears listen.
Use my voice to shout the praises of all of your creations.
PS In case anyone cares...I probably will have to work a little late again tonight and tomorrow so I wont get off in time to join my preferred evening activity
Everyone says I Love You
I love the Marx Brothers. This clip is from Horse Feathers. Zeppo, the youngest brother is in it, he is not in their later movies but usually the early ones. My favorites of their movies are Coconuts, Animal Crackers, Horsefeathers and Go West.
All of them very talented. Multi-talented.
Harpo is my favorite of the brothers. He is surreal - gentle, playful, peaceful and loving, but not adverse to a certain crankiness along with a "behemoth peeve" from time to time.. so sooo filled with the Spirit. Salvidor Dali was fascinated with him.
I have read many books about them, including Harpo's autobiography...Harpo Speaks
As talented and sweet as he was, Harpo said his greatest gift was his ability to sleep anywhere he lays his head. I like that.
You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm...(Collette)
"The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves".
C.G. Jung
C.G. Jung
Let's Make Play
Yes, I am still tender in the place in my heart
where I once felt a certain death-like piercing.
It still hurts a little, I admit it.
However, I really thought we had gotten past it, recently I'm not sure,
Maybe we haven't, maybe we wont...
A mutal thorn-in–our-collective side perhaps.
I knew what was going on, and why,
Through the grace of God I understood,
and because of it, He gives me patience, and an extra measure of awareness and understanding it seems
for me to have for myself and for me to share
He also gave me these to give to you:Love (as in God’s Love), and Gratitude.
I can’t help but have these for you…because they come through Him.
I'm ready to have some fun now...:o)
Let's make play!
Happy Friday
where I once felt a certain death-like piercing.
It still hurts a little, I admit it.
However, I really thought we had gotten past it, recently I'm not sure,
Maybe we haven't, maybe we wont...
A mutal thorn-in–our-collective side perhaps.
I knew what was going on, and why,
Through the grace of God I understood,
and because of it, He gives me patience, and an extra measure of awareness and understanding it seems
for me to have for myself and for me to share
He also gave me these to give to you:Love (as in God’s Love), and Gratitude.
I can’t help but have these for you…because they come through Him.
I'm ready to have some fun now...:o)
Let's make play!
Happy Friday
I feel Loved, I hope you do too
I get in dark places, you probably do too
to me summer is preferable to winter
I just don't like dark and cold on a regular basis
I still feel the Love though
Alone, yes, but not lonely
Love remains with us, Stays with us...remember?
Blue is my favorite color, with much respect for green
I'm Irish descent, at least that is what I was told,
we are expected to be scrappy,
we love a little lively repartee
then wear our hearts on our sleeves,
or sometimes our entire viscera, because of it.
we also enterain a certain mournfulness,
a bittersweet longing for the garden perhaps.
Dearest heavenly Father:
Please continue to bless us with a longing for your Love,
Bless us with the warmth and peace we have inside when we indeed feel your Love. Bless us with memories of your Love in case we forget from time to time.
to me summer is preferable to winter
I just don't like dark and cold on a regular basis
I still feel the Love though
Alone, yes, but not lonely
Love remains with us, Stays with us...remember?
Blue is my favorite color, with much respect for green
I'm Irish descent, at least that is what I was told,
we are expected to be scrappy,
we love a little lively repartee
then wear our hearts on our sleeves,
or sometimes our entire viscera, because of it.
we also enterain a certain mournfulness,
a bittersweet longing for the garden perhaps.
Dearest heavenly Father:
Please continue to bless us with a longing for your Love,
Bless us with the warmth and peace we have inside when we indeed feel your Love. Bless us with memories of your Love in case we forget from time to time.
Keep Hope ALIVE !
Whether we voted for him or not, We as citizens of the UNITED states, a "free" nation, celebrate the election of a human being who has the charism, the God-given power, to give many people... people of all colors, people in All stages of life, people of all nations and people from all of our God-given-life-circumstances HOPE for even just a glimpse from the mountain top of the potential of the promised land!
Please God of Love, no more double standards from our leaders, Please Bless President Obama!
Peace and Love
In Honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.
"I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people will get to the promised land. And I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
What do you enjoy? What do you really enjoy?

Love is Love, Joy is Joy. Pain and negativity are relative.
Love supports, love affirms.
A true gift has no strings attached, it doesn't even have a package. It is open and free to the receiver whether deserved or not. Such is the gift of God's Love and our redemption, the stuff of Joy.
Relatively speaking.
A funny, sweet, yet periennieally depressed, friend of my sister's once told her she wished she had cancer. If she had cancer, she would have an excuse to feel as bad as she did, and people would actually understand her pain and not disregard it. In other words, then she could really enjoy feeling bad.
some people enjoy wearing their losses, misfortunes and betrayals as a shield of protection, or even as a badge of honor.
You can't touch this.
"You may have suffer/betrayal/loss but you dont have suffer/betrayal/loss as much as I do!"
And..You ...
You who seem to just want to be happy and hopeful...no matter your circumstances...remember nothing can destroy Love, people-who-love have faith in this.
People-who-love try understanding first, as opposed to judgement.
Love recognises itself in others, and it is somewhere to be found in everyone. Sometimes it takes sharing a little hope to get it flowing.
Love is the Balance

(Thoughts about relationship with God/Love)
Love is the balance between the good times and the bad times
Tension is not always a bad thing.
It stretches our capacities
It makes us stronger
Love connects.
To me it is obvious Jesus (Love) is with us,
hanging in there
- holding my hand and yours
- in and between us
connecting us throughout the good and the bad
because we couldnt do it own our own
I believe faith is a gift, a grace.
Trust is something that is learned and practiced through the gift of faith
Ultimately, we become closer to God.
We are close together now in a new way.
I feel it in my heart and I mm glad.
Pumpkin, this is not about you, it is about our relationship with God. but it goes for friendshops too ofcourse :o)
camouflaged beauty

There’s that person again who annoys you.
Or the person who once hurt you.
Or the person who still wields the power to wound you by what they say or what they don’t.
There’s that person who makes you angry.
Or the one who is so irresponsible.
There’s the person who deserves what they got.
Or the one who should be locked away forever.
Or the one who never learns.
There’s the person with the crappy attitude.
Or the one who offends you.
Or the one who pushes your buttons.
Or the one who acts out of hate.
There’s the person you hold responsible.
There’s the person who is your enemy.
But alas, your eyes are opened. You see past their face, past their attitude, past their actions, past their history, past the way they now are, past any judgments you or others might have held of them…and you spot someone beautiful waiting to be born.
(photo by zoo gal)
Chariots of Fire: Inspiration
"I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure" (Eric Liddell)
I'm certainly not a runner, but I have had a recurring dream about running and God's pleasure – I would say 3 maybe 4 times that I can remember.
I am running on green grass, in a hilly area.
The earth is new, the sky is blue and fresh, sometimes I can see the ocean in the distance.
I don’t see me, just what is within my sight, and I feel the sensation of running – free, and with ease.
It seems God’s presence is with me, and He seems as delighted as I am.
However, in my waking hours, sometimes, (many times) I feel more like this quote from the other athlete.
"I'm forever in pursuit and I don't even know what I am chasing" (Harold M. Abrahams)
These times, perhaps I am seeing more of "me" and less of what is in the scope of my vision.
Even before I joined the church, I felt that God somehow gets an earthly experience through our experiences, our pursuits, our feelings. He is feeling what we feel, whether we are running free in His presence, or in desperate pursuit of something we don't even know what or why, while all along He is right there with us.
Chariots of Fire: 1981 movie based on true story.
The story of two British track athletes who compete in the 1924 Olympics.
in His Glory,
Through the Gate
...What now?

I watched you watching out the window
I wondered if you were waiting for something...or somebody
I prayed whatever you were watching and waiting for would come to you in the way you wanted; in a way you would be comfortable with; in a way you could understand and Love
I hoped it was me
Advent Christmas Epiphany...until we meet again :o)
Love God
Love eachother
The journey towards Perfect & Peace.
It takes a little Love to recognize a little Love, then a lot of Love can happen.
Perfect: whole or complete. Ripe, as in fruit.
Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Love (aka God): care, empathy, warm feelings, good feelings, compassion, generosity, magnanimity, openness to recognising itself in others
I learned at an early age that people (me included) were not always nice, and people do not always seem do the right thing… if the golden rule is the basis of “doing the right thing."
I have also learned over time, if I do not allow for other's mistakes, my own mistakes, and “bumps in the road” along the way, I will be forever be disappointed, frustrated and probably friendless, not to mention lover-less.
Also...things aren't always as they seem to be. Neither are people.
The gruffest exteriors can contain the most tender of hearts.
Poverty does not necessarily have anything to do with finances or success.
A trapped heart can be a prison; isolation a sickness.
Some of the most successful and confident people I know also are the most fearful of being out of control.
Adults who are bullies and abusers have probably never experienced an easy- comfortable, easy-going relationship with another person.
Exposure of heart is difficult, but once exposed a heart can then begin to be clothed with Love, but it seems it takes a little Love to recognize a little Love.
I suppose what I am trying to say is when the grumpy gus open his/her heart, it is nice if people with Love flowing through them are there to recognize and affirm the newly exposed Love. Make sense?
I like to recognise Love when I see it in others, particularly in people who dont seem to care about it at all.
Perfect: whole or complete. Ripe, as in fruit.
Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Love (aka God): care, empathy, warm feelings, good feelings, compassion, generosity, magnanimity, openness to recognising itself in others
I learned at an early age that people (me included) were not always nice, and people do not always seem do the right thing… if the golden rule is the basis of “doing the right thing."
I have also learned over time, if I do not allow for other's mistakes, my own mistakes, and “bumps in the road” along the way, I will be forever be disappointed, frustrated and probably friendless, not to mention lover-less.
Also...things aren't always as they seem to be. Neither are people.
The gruffest exteriors can contain the most tender of hearts.
Poverty does not necessarily have anything to do with finances or success.
A trapped heart can be a prison; isolation a sickness.
Some of the most successful and confident people I know also are the most fearful of being out of control.
Adults who are bullies and abusers have probably never experienced an easy- comfortable, easy-going relationship with another person.
Exposure of heart is difficult, but once exposed a heart can then begin to be clothed with Love, but it seems it takes a little Love to recognize a little Love.
I suppose what I am trying to say is when the grumpy gus open his/her heart, it is nice if people with Love flowing through them are there to recognize and affirm the newly exposed Love. Make sense?
I like to recognise Love when I see it in others, particularly in people who dont seem to care about it at all.
Beloved, we are God’s children now

Spirit be strong in me and take care of me while I play and sleep and eat. Help me have purity and innocence of a child while I continue my work of learning to share and play well with others.
Happy Saturday
From St. John..
Beloved, we are God’s children now;
what we shall be has not yet been revealed.
We do know that when it is revealed we shall be like him,
for we shall see him as he is.
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