This is a painting by Kasimir Malevich. I call it "rainbow lady"
Her shape/form of pure white light is somehow broken in half and we are allowed to see what her "insides" look like...her colors, her pure colors....
pure Black too is there
Black...in "light" terms... is "voided" color,
White...is "occupied" color.
In art-material terms, ironically, it is just the opposite..
White is "no color";
black is "all colors," in some measure, mixed together.
I "met" Kasimir in my subconscious earlier this year, it was in early February I believe...I know it was before Lent. It is unbelievable to me to have a cross-century relationship with a painter whose realistic figurative work, IMHO, is even similar to mine, not to mention his use of color.
I don't believe I had ever heard of him before. I know I had not seen his realistic paintings - he is most known for his abstracts.
Anyway... more on that later.
Re: Turnloveinsideout.
I want to make sure you know. I am not quitting or abandoning this website. Neither are the owners... The owners of the Site, and The Turnloveinsideout url and trademark; the people who developed the site and its purpose, aka Jim and Anne, are simply moving it to the Divine Nobodies Network (link posted soon).
Jim and Anne, originally asked me to blog here almost 3 years ago...can it be? or was is just two. July 2007 I believe, yes just two. OK
Now, Jim and Anne are involved in a wonderful on-line community "Divine Nobodies", which is inclusive of "divine-nobody lovers" (like me) (and you too of course)
Jim and Anne asked me to move my blogging their TLIO site on the Divine Nobodies Network. They asked me to lead/facilitate it , which I am not sure I know how to do, but I will give it my Spirit!
Please note my emphasis on they "asked" me. This is important. More on this later.
I may also continue to blog here on Blogger - turnloveinsideout blogspot, or word press (someone told me it was more user friendly), or I may blog on my own website or my myspace page. I dont know yet.
God's Spirit is Everywhere!
The spirit I carry in my body is God's Spirit.
His Spirit is inside everybody!
It is realized by those who are open to It and accept It,.
I am occupied with It :o)
I know this.
I am convinced of it, and I have confidence in it.
I am human too tho,
so I have all the bodily and mental struggles that come along with beig Human.
But I know with out a doubt, My Spirit is God's Spirit.
I don't deserve It.
I never expect it when I feel It - maybe I am getting there though.
I can't plan for It - maybe I am getting there though.
I can count on It (God's Spirit) to do with me what He Wills not what I will.
God bless you.
Peace and Love
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