
True Love is Forever - somepeople remain in your hearts forever

I remember the first time I read anything Jim Palmer wrote. It has to be 4 years ago maybe 5 and was an article on ExploreFaith.com abotu Divine Nobodies and it was the first time I read any Protestant-type write about Jesus and Love in a sort-of similar way to my own Catholic pastor who was the first Anybody of any background I ever heard talk about Jesus and Love in the way that he did/does...i just happend to hear him on the radio. But that is another Love story.

Im dedicating this post to Jim Palmer. I still see him on Facebook. I still dont understand why he doesnt post those posts here too though. But you dont have to understand everything about a person or God or anything to Love it/them/him/her, and I am learning that is not my concern...I cant see his big picture any more than I can see my own.

I started posting on Jim's Myspace several years ago, and then a wonderful thing happend. He asked me to post on his Turnloveinsideout website blog. That was the first time anybody had ever asked me to express my thoughts on Love. I have said this before and i will keep saying it forever... I am eternally grateful for that. He asked me to do something, and that allowed expression of things I may have kept inside. For whatever that is worth to anybody else, probably nothing, but to me it has had immeasureable value, and I continue to learn and grow from the experience of sharing in this way.

I believe if it is our destiny, aka if God wants us to do something, he will let us know and we will do it..in His time. I also believe he uses other people most of the time to act on his behalf - since we - all of us - are made in His image. People who ask us, seek us out, and knock on our door - we will open up eventually. I am grateful to Jim Palmer for having the courage to ask me when he did and for all the various ways it has deepend and opened my faith.

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