Just popping in to say hi and share some thoughts, thus breaking my Lenten discipline of letting go blogging and excessive myspace/computer time until Easter. MyHim said he knew I wouldn’t be able to do it :o).
The more spiritual I become, the more alien I feel. This may be normal in spiritual growth, and at some point I will move past it and feel total connection again. However, it is like navigating by the stars without a sextant, without even knowing what stars are. On top of that, if I talk about it to people who are in a “different place” everyone thinks I am nuts and everything I say or do seems to be examined and I am avoided until I prove myself again or sufficient time passes.
On a humorous note, I was beginning to think I was nuts, but was affirmed by my new walking/running shoes. I have (or at least can have) a sound mind and body. ASICS, look it up. I know that sounds silly, but at this point, I’ll take affirmation anyplace I can get it.
During mediation sometimes I send out questions to God, “I recognize I am on a journey – where am I going? Why me? I don’t remember even asking for anything…except maybe peace.”
Answers come mainly as in dream state and over time, but here is my condensed version – “Keren, meet joy. You are human to be human and to share in the development and growth of humanity until you return…please love Me and your neighbors in all our differences, and if you love Me, feed My sheep.”
Could it be that simple?
Peace and Love
Yes. I think it is that simple.
Thanks for this post, Keren. I like where you said the more spiritual you become, the more alien you feel. That is a very good description of how I feel.
My newest motto: Live, Love, Follow the Carpenter. Something like that.
Thanks Keren.
Thanks Erin for your comment. The word "spiritual" is something I dont want to use anymore. It has too many negative connotations that I do not want to defend or even discuss.
I used to turn away from the name/word Jesus based on the negativity of people who used it, but Jesus is a word/name I now defend.
I hope I never use the name of Jesus in a negative way, and if I do, I want someone to, and hope someone will, correct me.
Love is the body of Christ. We are to be Christ to eachother - everybody we can touch.
Peace and love
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