I can relate because I have problems and issues across the board, and it sometimes seems no one understands me, I dont fit in anywhere, I've been rejected, black-balled, ignored....when all I really want to do is good things, and be Love.
To me, Church (in my case Roman Catholic) is a rock...a constant in a constantly changing world. Church helps me find center and return to center over and over again - as needed.
In Mass, the focus is God, anything else is distraction. Married and single people, rich and poor, happy and sad, nice and nasty, losers and winners ... we are there in one place together to take in the life force of our God who is Love - the body and blood of Love; and through the Word, be reminded of Love's ways for us to have and to hold and to share out in the "real" world...for better or worse, in good times and in bad.
If we were perfect we would not need to be there. If we were perfect on our own we would not need other people, nor would we need Love/God/Jesus.
I am grateful for my imperfection and for that of others.
Peace and Love
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