
God is inside each of us, but He does not just sit there

When we begin to move past awareness, to actual consciousness, of a Loving God living inside of us individually...he is not just sitting there...He is moving and it isn't always comfortable.

What are we supposed to gain from this?...
our personal and individual growth, so each of us can gain something of value that we can then share with others.

What is valuable?...
consciousness of the God inside of each and every one of us.
God/Love is already inside you and me and other people too.

God/Love is inside each individual creature on this earth...even the nasty ones...even our adversaries.

What is a sign my eyes and heart have been opened?...
when you also become conscious of God/Love inside of your personal feelings...your emotions, fears, frustrations, aspirations, yours up and downs, your joys...

God is Loving every drop of our existence, because he is right in there with us.

So you can say to struggles... "Hey this doesn't bother me anymore!" but that doesn't equate to "I can stop growing now"

Life requires, no.. demands, constant growth - probably even from rocks.

The question is How do we move past awareness to consciousness...?

Here is how I work with it (in no particular order):

*recalling dreams
*playing with my imagination
*finding frequent spaces of silence
*looking for it in others
*imitating what I recognise it to be
*feeling it moving inside my struggles, hurts, and pains
*taking frequent long hard looks in the mirror.
*participating in the Eucharist as frequently as I can

Peace and Love


David Rudel said...

I disagree with the idea that 'God is inside everyone.'

The issue for me is that the whole purpose/need for Christ's death was to shore up and clean our souls so that they could temples to God....to make us "new wineskins." If God lived inside everyone based on some other logic, that would defeat the need for Christ's death to bring about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Keren said...

Hi David! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment here!!!

To me, my post and your comment are not entirely mutually exclusive.

I believe, Just by nature of being a creation of God, God is already inside all of us.
I believe (in a nutshell), that Jesus came to us to redeem us through his life, ministry, his death and resurrection, and left us with His Spirit - the Holy Spirt - and the promise of eternal life. He came to show us God's ways, so we would know the nature of God - a loving and forgiving God. Love neighbor, love God.

To me God is inherently inside of all creation, even rocks. We receive the Spirit in our metaphorical new skin when we are opened up to this by desire and/or by Grace. We are still human, still may sin, we still make mistakes, but since we have been redeemed we want to keep filling ourselves with the Spirit to come closer and closer to our true nature which is like God's that of Love.

just my thoughts..

I believe that really bad "evil" people are more like rocks, they may not have the desire to be open to the Grace (yet)...that is free will.

Gotta go. please comment here any time, feel free to correct me or say I am wrong or just say Hi.


David Rudel said...

If God is in all of us, then wouldn't that prohibit anyone from going to Hell, for Hell is generally defined (at least) by being entirely outside the presence of God?

Keren said...


David Rudel said...

Ah, I see.

Well, I'm not going to say I agree with you, but given all Christ's discussion of "eternal" damnation, you might be interested in knowing the Greek word that is translated "eternal" doesn't really mean "eternal." [Except the one in Jude 1:6, that word is the Greek equivalent of "eternal" to the extent there is one.]

One section of a book I'm writing gives a discussion of this...if you are interested I could send you a draft. Just email me at David@biblicalheresy.com .

Keren said...


Each of us are called to minister to people in different ways. I dont deal in fear tactics. On this site, Love seeks to cast out fear, not create it. Judgement is God's business not mine.

Thanks again for your comments!


David Rudel said...

In that case, you may be interested in this discussion that shows the Apostles did not use "Evangelism by fear" in the early church. [At least not of the "believe, or else!" ilk.]

Keren said...

Touche! I like your style of discussion! I do enjoy a little banter and reparte.

and....a chart...I adore charts! A man after my own heart...actually I better read more of your stuff before I go that far, but I did enjoy that post - I will leave a comment there when I get home.

I apologize for mis-JUDGING (:0( your intent. My bad! Actually I still dont really know what your intention was/is, but I do appreciate the huge smile you just put on my face, and laughter too, in addition to the thoughtful post, and will read more to understand where you are coming from.

I will email you for your chapter.
