A "hugging saint" came to the city where I live a couple of years ago. She stood in an auditorium somewhere and people stood in line to be hugged and blessed by her. I so soo wanted to go get hugged by her, but had to work or something. Next time she comes – no excuses - I am there!
I thought about her yesterday as I was watching the communion line in my church, and then watching the people line up to shake the hand of our wonderful pastor after Mass, whose blessings have been important/impactful to me and indirectly to my family. So I googled her when I got home.
She hugs to spread the idea of motherly love and compassion "felt not only towards one's own children, but all people, animals and plants, rocks and rivers — a love extended to all of nature, all beings." Her name is Amma — nickname for Mata Amritanandamayi ("Mother of immortal bliss").
This is what I want to be! I have found a vocation to respond to in my own way. Seriously! This is one thing I enjoy about being older, I can hug most people without them thinking I have something else in mind or strings attached – when I was 24 that would have been different! Actually there is probably more to her “job” than meets the eye like everything else. Especially since some people can turn a kindness into an invitation or obligation.
It must take a tremendous amount of strength/fortitude, in addition to a tremendous reliance on the God you represent, to be in this sort of position. I have tremendous admiration and gratitude for all people who respond to this type of calling.
Here is more about Amma.
To be in Her presence is to experience the best that life has to offer...
a river of unconditional love, accepting anyone and everyone, and cleansing all their impurities.
Luminous rays of grace, radiating wisdom and joy... like the earth bearing us on her bosom.
By her love, consoling us, nourishing us, instilling faith in us...
in whose presence, the innocence of a child awakens within... the world becomes a wonder.
Such this and more is Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Amma, Mother of Immortal Bliss.
Come... Meditate... Welcome to the Homepage of Amma
This is the second time I've run across a story about this woman. I'm going to have to go to her web site and read more. Can you imagine transferring love like that through a simple hug, and doing so person after person, hour after hour? I would like to imagine it...
i am also keep hearing about amma, the hugging saint. wish to have her darshan and hug one day.
best wishes!
Oh Anne and Oh Sadiq ... Amma keeps returning to me too. Love is everthing and everywhere!
Sadiq - i just glanced at your website and your words are wonderful. I will look/comment more on your thoughts tomorrow or this weekend,
Thank you for commenting on our site devoted to Love.
"The Hugging Saint"
Amma, Mata Amritanandamayi Devi
Amma is often called the Hugging Saint by the international press.
For a list of articles, please visit Amma's official homepage Amritapuri.org
Press articles are divided by region: Asia Europe India UAE USA
"As long as there is enough strength in these
hands to reach out to those who come to her,
to place her hand on a crying person's shoulder,
Amma will continue to give darshan.
To lovingly caress people,
to console and wipe their tears
until the end of this mortal frame
—this is Amma's wish."
Probably no other saint in history has given darshan the way Amma does: by hugging. Simple yet profound, Amma's signature is an outward expression of Her divine vision, which beholds the Self everywhere; hence Her total acceptance of all who come to Her. Those blessed to receive Amma's hugs experience a healing of their inner wounds, and thus, a radical transformation of their lives.
Amma is the shoreless ocean of motherly love. The long queue that originates wherever She goes is a sign of how intensely the world is thirsting for a love that is pristine, hearty and unconditional. She embraces all who come to Her, man or woman, human or animal, the healthy or infirm, the pious or irreverent,seeing each as Her child.
More than ever before, Amma's darshan has become a dire necessity. Her hugs are a welcome reprieve from the din of strife and selfishness, and a timely reminder to love, without expectation.
In Singapore from 26th to 29th March 2008
At Expo Convention Centre
Contact Singapore phone : (+65) 6341 7701
email: amrita@amma.org.sg
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