I had two friends lose their jobs (to one it was a blessing and no biggie, to the other very scary); I have several friends and my Him dealing with serious health issues. One a lot more serious than the rest. I have some own stuff I am wanting to work through. I do try to live in the moment, but when being beat it seems you don’t want to live in the moment, you want to look for ways to stop future pounding, at least in your imagination.
Friday was particularly brutal. So, when I got home, I picked up my love-notebook where I write and keep quotes and words I like about Love, etc., so I can reread when I need inspiration. I also keep thank you’s or nice things people have said about me which I re-read when I’m not feeling the love for whatever reason.
Anyway, I came across the following…I read this sort of thing and I just melt into Love for all of our experiences. I wish I could keep that feeling all the time, but I need frequent reminding.
God speaks to us
God speaks to each of us as he forms us in the womb; then he leads us out, beyond our remembering. The words are obscured by the transition.
“You are being sent forth by your senses. Go ahead and dare to go to the far edges of your longings and your desires. There you will form me.
You are light! Blaze and flare-up like a flame. Make great flickering shadows where I can dance.
Let every feeling happen to you: Beauty and Terror and everything in between. No feeling is the furthest out, there is always more to feel.
Don’t let yourself believe that we are separate from one another. Where we will be is the place called Life. You will know it by its seriousness.
Give me your trust, I am holding you”
~ Rainer Maria Rilke ~ (a combination of translations tweaked by Keren for help with my own personal understanding)
Photo – “love notes” (or "why my cats will be never be models" – I can scratch that off income producing ideas):o)
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