When you aren't feeling the love in a major way...when you have situation after situation presented to you that frustrates you; people dont seem to understand; misjudge you; or you really just dont like what is going on..and dont know how to love it...what is your most natural reaction?
Using the scale of 1-10: (1) being the image of meditation above and (10) the youtube piece below...
Which image most represents your initial reaction to extreme frustration????? Please use any number in between to express yourself. Or please just "free style" your response, if any.
Peace and Love
Hi Keren!
Sorry I did not respond to your last post. I read it and have held you in my heart, but you did not know that.
(I have a cat that looks like that! Is that Loretta?)
We had a difficult situation last weekend with a dear bi-polar friend who freaked out. That has occupied our thoughts.
Would it be possible to meet for supper some afternoon after work? I would have to drive in from Mexia - Wed or Thurs would be best - and could probably reach the Dallas area by 5 or 5:30.
Marilyn :)
Hi Marilyn, yes Loretta is one of our two tabbys. Bailey is the other.
I'll email you tomorrow about wed or Thurs.!
Oh and Marilyn, please know that whether you (or anyone) comments or not to anything I post is not why I post things. I love comments ofcourse, but I tend to try to use this site as a place to say what is on my heart, and usually that involves something going on very personally here with my real-day-to-day life. Not the internet.
I just put things out to the universe sometimes, in the hope that it may have a connection with something else someone has going on.
I look at this post now and think - oh my...I see how people could take it the wrong way.
I never want to make anyone feel bad so I hope I havent.
I just like to leave a note. I have not written a blog myself for so long, but I sure enjoy reading. You and the others are such a blessing. :)
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