I don’t believe in evil spirits…not since Jesus at least. Jesus left HIS Spirit with all of us - the same Holy Spirit that had the power to bring him to life from the womb of Mary, and the same Holy Spirit that had the power to raise him from the horrid death on the Cross. *The same Holy Spirit who was with the Father from the beginning*.
For non-religious types, you might say the power that created the earth, sun, moon and the stars and everything inside and outside… maybe had a partner.
Why did the power create in the first place?
Albert Einstein was purported to have said “I want to know God’s thoughts, all the rest are just details” What is the intention...what is thought we have before we create something? To me it is “desire”. When I make a painting or make a gift for someone, I first have a desire to do it. It seems to me without desire I cannot create; the ability to create become stagnant.
In the same regard, without desire, nothing moves/flows/evolves. Transformation and change begin with desire.
This is why I suppose i dont like to have creative deadlines, or have to prove I can create something on demand.. I usually do it and deliver, I may even want to do it, but the lack of impetus from heart felt desire somehow blocks the overall desire-ability. IN other words, something that is forced never comes across as true and beatiful as somethng that comes straight from the heart.
Just some thoughts….
The photo is one my brother and his family sent me from Italy. St. Sofia in this case is a gondola or ferry – aka people mover. (Thanks CDW for the inspiration, Love Kembo)
*ref "My Yoke is Easy and my Burden is Light" post earlier this month or in June*
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