***All of Sophia belongs to the Lord
And She is with Him forever.
Who can count the sands of the sea,
the drops of rain, or the days of unending time?
Who can measure the height of the sky,
the breadth of the earth, or the depth of the abyss?
Sophia was the first of all created things;
intelligent purpose has been there from the beginning.
Who has unraveled the mystery of Sophia?
Who has understood her subtlety?
One alone,
the Lord most magnificent and wise.
He created Her,
He watches and delights in Her,
He infuses Her into every part of creation.
Giving Her, in some measure, to all mankind,
yet in full to those who Love Him.
Sophia raises Her sons to greatness
and cares for all those who seek Her.
To love Her is to love life;
to serve Her is to serve the Holy One,
to rise early for Her sake is to be filled with joy!
For the Lord’s blessing rests upon
every place one lets Her enter. ***
from Jonanthan Star’s book..”Two Suns Rising: A Collection of Sacred Writings”
Keren’s note: I bought this wonderful book in 1994 based on its title and cover. Once I got home and found many sections from the “Bible” and many references to “Jesus”, I put it away. Ten years later I picked it up again, and now 4 more years after that I realize what a gift this book is to spiritual ecumenism.
With regard to Jesus, I wasted a lot of time basing my impression of Him on my negative perceptions of people who turned me off. It wasn't really Jesus who turned me off - just some of his "followers"
Once I gave Jesus Himself a chance to wrap His arm around me inside of my heart...everything inside of me changed. Now I understand that the people who turned me off, just have a different way of expressing their Love for Jesus. NOt better or worse. I found my own way with the help of the Spirit and people who spoke about Jesus in a way my heart understood..not my head.
People often ask me ..where is He now?....well...We have Him with us now... as the Holy Spirit ...could also be referred to as Sophia (wisdom); Spirit of Wisdom; Spirit of Love.
***Ecclesiasticus (Greek Orthodox) is called the "Book of "Sirach" in the Old Testament (Roman Catholic)***
Peace and Love
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