"The angels are lost in perpetual contemplation of an infinite glory." (unknown author)
No surgeon on earth can remove Infinite Glory, or change its purpose. A surgeon can remove tumors, extra limbs, change the size of a nose or other body parts, repair all sorts of parts, alter a person’s gender parts even, but the surgeon cannot touch infinite glory. Nothing can alter Infinite Glory, not even death.
Through divine purpose, every minute fiber of existence is woven with infinite glory. To deny this, in any part of existence, is to deny God.
To recognize it in everyone is to recognize God everywhere, including in yourself.
To lovingly consider/appreciate Infinite Glory inside of each creature’s weaknesses, failures, inadequacies ...as much as you would your own... is to be like Jesus.
Infinite Glory is inside all of creation. Including politicians, republicans (even democrats) corporate executives, secretaries, nurses, teachers, homosexuals, people with everything going for them, people who are suffering, rich people, poor people, nuns, priests, religious people, non-religious people, babies of all kinds, people who get nose-jobs, people who have their conjoined babies separated, people who have sex-change operations, people who wear lots of make-up, tax collectors, prostitutes, wiccans, puppies, lions, lambs, fish, rocks, etc etc etc.
We simply cannot judge others as normal or abnormal, better or worse, finer or coarser. Being compassionate and allowing compassion to be directed toward you is living in the "kingdom". Compassion allows understanding and forgivness, which is the same as love of neighor and offering kindness to enemies. Compassion is a human expression of pure Divinity.
How do we have total compassion for others - even people very different from us in ways that are not so pleasant? We have to have experienced compassion directed toward ourselves.
You've heard people say...“I feel sorry for him” tsk tsk because blahblahblah (ie.,he is different for whatever reason). Is that pity or simply judgment?
Pity can also have a bad connotation in more ways than one. My pride used to hate it when I thought someone felt sorry for me. I would say to myself…”I don’t need your pity, cant you see how perfect I am?” “Pity someone else”
I think it is because we can sometimes confuse pity with a negative judgement. No one's pride would allow itself to be judged by others.
Maybe it is the case, when your mind identifies pity with regard to a situation or person, it is probably in a prideful judgmental state.
When your heart is moved with and surges with pity for a situation or person…..what flows from that feeling in your heart will probably be compassion. Then you are the Divine Physician - healing, saving, comforting.
Conversely, letting go of pride and letting someone pity you is tantamount to letting someone love you and care for you... also known as letting someone be Christ to you. When you let someone act as Christ to you, you are recognising and responding to the holiness in them, thus, ultimately you are letting go of "self" and responding to the beatific power of your own soul.
To make a long story short...in fewer words...let people love you, then you will be better able to love them - all of them - in infinte glory.
Peace and Love
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