I took this photo at fireworks show on the Fourth of July. Most of them turned out nice like the one in a previous post below. This one looks more like an end of the world scenario…:o0 Accck!
My post on Thursday about “Infinite glory” sparked questions about “final judgment” Does God judge our behavior as good or bad? and What are the consequences of bad behavior?
My answer…I do not know.
I personally believe in some kind of accountability in which our Creator will sort things out – I also believe it is based more on what is in our hearts more than any other detail. No one of us is perfect all of the time. (Side note) Some faiths believe in purgatory – which is, briefly, a further purification process of our hearts before we go to the next step towards perfect union with our Lord/Creator aka 2nd chances even after we die from this place..
What I do understand, very clearly, is that we are asked (by our mutual Creator) to be compassionate towards and to each other. Love, forgive, comfort, turn the other cheek, be kind to enemies, understand that we are not able to judge each other,carry their cross, in addition to feed the poor, clothe the naked, visit the sick and imprisoned. This helps us live together in peace in a human society.
We all desire freedom of choice. We all desire peace of mind. I know I do.
To me, if we have the ability to choose our actions, our choices are important to control. Freedom/Peace are symbiotic with Control/Restraint. They feed, and are nourished, by eachother.
I say this from personal experience. Aa a perennial “free spirit”, I know that unless you have some kind of “trust fund” and I am speaking literally and figuratively, you cannot be truly free on this earthly plane.
Being a free spirit is wonderful, but believe me, it does not pay the bills, or come close to paying the mortgage.
Spirit is only part of “freedom of choice / peace of mind” Spirit alone does not make it happen. Humans (those who have the ability to make choices for their own mind and heart)…..also need an authority (law) – a framework – outside of our self to mirror inside of our self. We also need discipline – physical and spiritual – to get any job done, to move forward any project even those of hope, faith and love.
Just my thoughts…..
Any thoughts, questions, comments whether similar of differing…are wanted! I would love it if someone from a different faith, religion or part of the world would post thoughts here.
Peace and Love
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