
But the fruit of the Spirit is love

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control." (Galatians 5:22)

I want to hear about a Saint who meditates continuously on the fruits of the Holy Spirit. In good times and bad, he/she is immersed in the Spirit, so much that he/she becomes the Spirit of Love in his/her heart. Miracles happen, people are healed and enlightened.

I understand the dark night of the soul teachings of St. John of the Cross and others who live in communities of like minded people, who have confessors to actually talk to and share with, and an ability to be immersed in the Catholic Christian world of Mass, Eucharist, praying the hours, etc.

What about a Saint that doenst have the opportunity for that type of community?

Instead of an extended dark night of the soul focusing on the Passion and the cross, what about one focused on the Spirit given to us by the risen Christ?

I'm not doubting that pain and suffering is a way to spiritual growth, I don't doubt it at all. To me however, it seems the Spirit - the third person of the Trinity has that power too, no matter a person's circumstances just based on the person's heart?
I sat on the floor and cried yesterday morning when I couldn't get on this site. One day Jim and Anne are probably just going to shut it off for lack of interest. I suppose I will then find another place or another way to communicate...I was miraculously given this when I was (temporarily) shut out of another place...so I have hope! God provides.
Oh and..
I won $50 on the office football pool yesterday. The first half, after the miraculous 100 yard touchdown, the longest run for a touchdown in superbowl history...and with no time left on the clock!!!
Don't you love it? The player was my hero for a while, then I saw him slug someone who was already down...o well, the touchdown was miraculous for me nonetheless. Two years in a row I have won on the pool. Not bad for someone who does not even like football.

Happy Monday

1 comment:

Keren said...

In answer to my own question...I found a Holy Spirit Saint. NOt exactly what I was thinking of but here is his story...briefly.

Pope Saint Fabian - sometime @ 250. He was a farmer who went to Rome to watch the election of a new pope. He was not one of the candidates.

A dove flew in and sat on his head. The church officials, everyone, noticed the sign of the Holy Spirit upon him and unanimously named him Pope.

The church enthusiastically embraced him. Peace reigned during his time as Pope, after a long period of Christian persecutions.

He was eventally martyred by the pagans and Christian persecutions returned, but the church had flourised during his reign, and many church writes/leaders/saints/doctors/artists etc. such as Origen were nutured during this time and ultimately all of us because of it.
