
Another puzzle piece = Super Love Rays

So I have this image in my mind, that all of the blogs on this site are pieces of a giant love jigsaw puzzle. It is naturally an enormous puzzle. And the edges reach off into infinity.

Here is another one of my pieces.

Prayer can be a perplexing thing. Are we praying in Godś will? Are we saying it the right way? Have we quoted a sufficient quantity of bible verses? Is the prayer too long or too short?

Again, it was during the drive to work that I came to this understanding. ¨Love is the power of prayer.¨ There is not power in our hitting on the correct formula for prayer. I think that is the same as treating prayer like a magical incantation.

The great Love that God has for us is directed to others in prayer. That is the power of prayer.

I wrote it up for my kids like this:

¨Your mommy believes if you listen, you'll hear
Godś voice of Love in your heart, so clear.
He´ll fill you so full of His love, when you pray
For others you'll send them His Super Love Rays.¨


Anne said...

Marilyn, I like how you see a giant love jigsaw puzzle and all of us being pieces of it. It's interesting to see what different backgrounds we have here too. When you wrote about prayer being a perplexing thing, and "are we praying in God's will", I'd never heard that expression before. (Though if I imagine asking God to let me win the lottery I can see that as an example of not praying in his will.)

Like you wrote about, I feel that my definition of prayer has expanded. I read an article awhile ago by a nun who talked about sitting in the early morning with her cup of coffee and having her mind touch on various people in her life and feeling such love for them. She talked about these loving thoughts going up as prayers with the tendrils of steam from her coffee. Now everytime I think of someone with love, I think of that as a prayer, think of the energy of God/Love being released into the world. A thought of love connects me to Love, expands my heart awakens my spirit to a true reality. Just one more puzzle piece in the beautiful mosaic of others...

Marilyn Ruth said...


Your comments explain it better to me as well. They are another part of the puzzle.

Keren said...

I too love the idea of the process of putting pieces together to make a whole.

Here are some Super Love Rays for you!