i've had some contact through email the last few months with Miles Levin, a teenager dying of cancer. i interviewed him a while back about his journey into human death. he appears to be close to that point, and today his mother wrote on his blog...
"There is less and less of Miles, and more and more of just pure love."
I lit a prayer candle on our web site for Miles. I'm sure Miles and his family could use a thousand more if you feel led to add your own. Mile's 19th birthday is in just a few days.
Miles is an amazing soul and spirit.
Miles' Mom's words you posted "There is less and less of Miles, and more and more of just pure love"
And...Miles own feelings on carepage.com
"your biological vitality means very little – having a beating heart and operational lungs does not define you. Your effect on the world around you does. Once you fulfill that service, your shift is done. You’re off work and it’s time to go home. (July 4, 2006)
I cant describe in detail, but all this hit, or at least aimed at, "home" for me. So thanks for this post, and thank God for Miles' and his Mom's ability to share their experiences. It is a gift to all of us.
ALso...I am grateful for Carmam's blog "true love will find you in the end", because all during my day today with multiple deadlines, etc, ...the little song kept rolling through my mind, interrupting my negative thoughts. Made me smile, made me feel relaxed and very much able to enjoy the moment.
Peace and love
Keren, Mile's mom is a warrior mother and what she's also going through requires strength beyond the human. Love seems to have created an immense bond between Miles and his mom.
Carman's glad that you liked the song he posted, by the way; obviously he feels the same.
Anne, Mothers are very special to me in general. You and Carman have a special relationship so obvious to me, and evidenced by recent blogs.
Never being blessed with children of my own. I did have two pregnancies and I do have my babies in heaven, but, I cant even imagine what Mile's mom feels like, or you or any of the moms who I know like my friends, and my own mother, and my sister. What they go through day-to-day, seeing their "hearts" broken, bruised, diseased, hurt, ignored etc. and cant do anything about it.
i think in one way God knew my heart wasnt strong enough to deal with the experience of being a biological mother, but has allowed me to recognise it and want to support it in others.
Peace and Love you lots...Keren.
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