Here is my take on it. Man’s efforts to change our environment, assumes Man has the ability to change the course of Nature. Man can figure it all out and decide what everyone needs to do for everything to be OK. It assumes our Creator either doesn’t care, or is not capable of doing anything about the destruction Man has and continues to wrought.
When Man tries to control anything and fails, then the finger pointing starts, who did this and how can we stop them? Then divisions and politics…I don’t have to describe the “crisis” to you. The negativity affects everyone and everything around it. Collective consciousness. Infectious mob-mentality with Fear being the Initiator.
It is the same with individuals. Have you ever seen a person ruin something beautiful with negativity alone? Like a negative presence in a team effort, or in an event in which folks just want to have fun? Have you ever had someone misjudge your good intentions? turn away from you, ignore you repeatedly? The negative “vibes” are palpable and take their toll. It is very difficult to be transformed in that kind of environment, much less experience any kind of peace, without Divine intervention. Maybe our earth “feels” the same way.
What if we put the Intention of our Creator back in the big picture with regard to our own thoughts of the planet and others? The Creator’s “intention” really can’t be known, but can be seen as the “thought prior to the act of Creation”, which is a presence of will, openness, radiance, truth and beauty, and an absence of fear and judgment. That can be described as LOVE. And as creations of Love, it is knit inside each of us, just waiting to be recognized and used for the greater good.
Infectious mob mentality with Love as the Initiator - Just something to ponder.
Peace, Keren
Photo courtesy of Darla Winn
Loving the earth. I like that. :)
Keren, I love your idea about a mob mentality of love, and expressing how our energies have impact everywhere, including on Mother Earth. Very interesting to ponder about whether our earth "feels" the energies of those who inhabit her. I think yes, our Love or lack thereof, has more impact than we know.
keren, thanks for the post. i feel like the last few years i have been slowly uncovering the power of Love expressed in the simplest of forms, like Loving thoughts. i wonder if the path of knowing our oneness or deep bond with all things is a matter of holding all things in Love. what is the affect/influence of holding someone/something in Love. i'm beginning to see and believe that the affect and influence is huge. turning love inside out is not a nice sentimental phrase, but a path for awakening what still sleeps.
Thanks all for the comments. Jim, you are so right, turning Love inside Out is A nice sentiment but also crucial. i have to constantly remind myself in situation after situation, that we are all Love and I may be the only one who recognises it in a partifular situation - so "big-up myself" and be responsible to that LOVE. Any many times I fail. With love I know I can get back on that horse again tho.
In my daily life, work, home, friends, even church, I see alot of negativity and the effects are obvious. I suppose it is protective shells, fear, judgement, refusal to be "taken" seems to be a biggie. If I give something to you I wont have enough for myself sort of thing.
On the other hand, we have all have seen the awesome power of LOVE, which is why "talking" about it on this site and elsewhere is important. Pondering it too. Keeps it in our minds and hearts and then spreads and reaches out.
Love is indeed, the only thing that can renew our world.
Peace Love Hugs and Kisses,
It is going to be a great day!
Keren, you're right - talking about God/Love is a very important piece that helps my spirit. Those conversations I have in person bring the highest level of love's energy into my being, and the other person's, I know. Those real life conversations only happen for me a few times a month if I'm lucky. Still, the words here, the people here, bring my focus and spirit back to Love as well. When a good eight hours of my day is spent on business things, I need all the ways of connecting with the spiritual power of love that I can.
So true Anne. I do too - I need lots of Love. What is also facinating to me is the idea that even our thoughts can affect change.
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