this morning i received an email from a good friend who shared an experience she had when she was out with a friend. she described, "…how the power of God's love just rushed like a torrent through my body, and the world just looked totally different than normal." i knew exactly what she meant. have you experienced this before? seems like the last couple years that i've become much more aware of a deep bond between myself and all creatures. it began by my realizing that i share the vulnerability and mortality of my physical form with every other human being and living creature. then, this bond extended to the realization that there is a spiritual or divine reality that is at the core of all living things, especially all other humans. every person has a Self that bears the image and likeness of God. every person has a Self that is beloved of God. every person has a Self, which is capable of realizing and being all that that Self was intended to be. when i am aware of that Self within me, i ammore aware of that Self in others, and often it feels like what my friend described…God's love rushing like a torrent through my body and opening my eyes to see a spiritual reality beyond a world of bodies and things.
(photo/design by AnneGogh)
I get that feeling! Just comes over me at times. Starts with overwhelming Goosebumps. It is like I bask in the people around me – taking in their light. I look at them and I can’t quit smiling. I want to hug everyone I see.
Indescribable love and fulfillment. Connection and acceptance. Delight.
I started noticing it several years ago, and now I’m starting to recognize it for what it is and try to make it last, ride it out. I recently started calling it ”beatific ecstasy” because to me that it what it is.
You can’t make it happen, at least I can’t. It comes on strong, then seems to go away. Love tends to do that sometimes. I know it is always there in each of us though and appears to us in various ways. And like you say, I’m hoping that the more I can recognize It – be aware of it, It will make itself known more and more – even when I hurt , or worse, even when I have caused someone I love very much to hurt (ouch).
Sometimes the world of the supernatural crashes into this physical one. Those deeply spiritual Love/Ecstasy moments seem to transform the world into what it really is beneath the surface of things. Lately when I speak out about how loved someone is - by me, by God - it seems like a spigot is turned on and Love just rushes in with an incredible surge of power. A friend told me the other night that sometimes she'll suddenly snap back and see what someone's face looks like. She said it's like seeing a different person because for awhile she was just seeing their spirit. When she told me that, that had just happened to me for the first time earlier that day. It feels like I keep running into the miraculous awakening of Love more and more.
Jim, your post also reminded me of this quote by Kahlil Gibran:
"You are my brother, and both of us are sons of a single, universal, and sacred spirit. You are my likeness, for we are prisoners of the same body, fashioned from the same clay. You are my companion on the byways of life, my helper in perceiving the essence of reality concealed behind the mists. You are a human being and I have loved you, my brother."
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