
Loving Babies

Sometimes, it's hard to remember that love never fails. However, today I've seen no less than 5 babies less than a year old. They're giggly, bright-eyed, and spontaneous. They are doing nothing but being themselves. Whenever a baby enters the room, everything softens. Everything lights up. Love becomes apparent every time. It just never fails.


Michael Ogden said...

Kevin, I like to walk into our preschool on days I help my wife for the same reason. Three and four year olds still have a lot of that in them, whatever those who only see them at a distance may think to the contrary.

Thanks for your "love never fails" comment on my blog today. One encouraging word from a brother can mean more than one can imagine on a rough day!

Keren said...

Thanks for this post Kevin. So sweet and so true. I also enjoyed Mike's comments - so true too!

Peace and Love

Anne said...

We come running at work when a baby magnet enters for a visit. Perhaps in their faces we see all that we wish to be - an innocence full of trust and love.