a myspace friend sent me the below words this morning...
Love is our way of knowing the unknown
Our way of kissing eternity.
The burning desires within to feel Love.
To be Loved is our deeper selves crying out for home.
and in the stillness of silence the force of true Love divine
becomes alive within.
Our Spirit soars.
We experience oneness with all things.
For all things are one.
In that moment of total oneness with the
force of Love we are brought into our true self.
We become who we are.
We become LOVE.
(photo by GemmaKate)
Isnt this so true, and Lovely to ponder as the sun comes up this morning.
Your friends writes beautifully, tenderly, from the soul.
"The burning desires within to feel Love."
Everything new, Everything born, All creation springs from desire.
"...our deeper selves crying out for home". Those words alone create that heart-leap of joy and affirmation inside me. What's beautiful is that a simple writing like this can immediately call my spirit back to Love even when my brain has been off preoccupied in other things. I read this, and I feel God's presence/Love rushing in.
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