the last couple days on my blogs we have been rolling around fear. it has been said that "hate" is not the opposite of love, but "fear" is. with that in mind, i decided to post today's blog over here on the TLIO blog. jim
last night a few of us fleshed out rick’s thought that fear is often the result of misplaced dependency, which are ways we seek identity, purpose, love, identity, acceptance, life, worth, security, meaning, value, happiness outside ourselves in external things as opposed to depending upon the life of Christ within.
we fear failure because we have a misplaced dependency upon “success” for value and worth.
we fear rejection because we have a misplaced dependency upon other’s opinions of us for acceptance.
we fear financial loss because we have a misplaced dependency upon money for security.
we fear abandonment because we have a misplaced dependency upon significant others for love.
we fear God because we have a misplaced dependency upon a false God who measures his favor and blessing in our life against our performance.
we fear aging or physical setbacks because we have a misplaced dependency on our physical appearance for worth and acceptance.
we fear honesty because we have a misplaced dependency on an image of having it all together for a sense of identity.
we fear being a nobody because we have a misplaced dependency upon being a somebody for a sense of purpose and meaning and value.
we fear…
Christ says, “I AM the bread of Life.” in other words, Christ’s Life which dwells within us, is the Bread that fills and maintains our need and desire for identity, purpose, love, identity, acceptance, life, worth, security, meaning, value, happiness, etc…
we seek all of this outside ourselves, and yet it is fully available in every moment inside of us through the life of Christ - “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” so, we walk in dependency upon the Bread of Christ within us.
(photo by conceptvessel)
Sometimes things seem so obvious when you see them in writing. I only wanted to post a comment and say thank you for posting this, and thanks to Rick as well. Today my heart is going to be rejoicing in "I AM the bread of Life".
I commented (more like rambled) on the DN blog, but here is probably the bottom line of what i was expressing...
Your wonderful blog is reinforcing something that I have been putting flesh to the last couple of days even.
Taking a real hard look at myself and my misplaced dependencies. Then I have to get up and do/correct/(whatever) the dependecy that is causing me fear.
WHen i do this, I need to realize that it is Christ in me that not only handles it, but gives me the strength to get started, to take the first step.
It is all about Jesus/God/Love - not me, every step of the way.
(but it takes practice and experience, I suppose for some it is easier than for others)
Peace and Love - tomorrow is Friday!!
Oh I forgot the most important part..
To me, visualising/pondering "surrender" ie., me waving the white flag with fervor, is how I am practicing delivering my fear to Jesus/God/Love.
It's such a challenge NOT to become dependent on externals...something I certainly struggle against. Thank you for a wonderful reminder in simple terms. I was able to grasp embrace it today.
Jim, Anne, Keren, Erin . . .
Thank you all for your words . . . I will be pondering them all day.
I think I had a misplaced dependancy for many years on my mom. She was a great mom, very strong and loving. When she died 2 1/2 years ago it was like I plunged into this fear thing. I would wake up in the night and for hours feel fear for all of the things that could happen to my small children, or my husband, or other members of my family.
Finally I remembered that I used to listen to the Bible on tape at night when I went to sleep.
I downloaded some Bible mp3s on to my laptop and started playing the book of John at night when I woke up and was afraid. Other books did not work as well . . . only the love book. :)
Gradually, my mind was healed from the fear.
So I will think on this today . . . depending on Godś love frees us from fear.
Actually, fear isn't all a bad thing - in limited form it serves a purpose. For example, a little anxiety before a presentation or a sports game is good - keeps you on your toes and focused. I think in general - fear can be a really bad thing and destroy someone's life.
I liked the 'bread of life' analogy - I think very much the same as you on this. I think the words of Jesus are right there for us to peruse and use within our lives - it's our life-line. I am very thankful for the teachings of Jesus - they truly have life within them.
Thank you again for this post. It started something wonderful for me.
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