Yesterday I was in a building where I go on Sundays to worship God in community with some friends. My daughter and son-in-law were here visiting from far-away Florida. While I was standing alongside them, sandwiched between my daughter and another good friend, I was looking directly at other people I love up on the stage in front of me, and what joy there was in exchanging smiles of love as they sang for us all. My youngest son was up there too, and suddenly he broke out playing this lovely riff of a guitar solo, and I got tears in my eyes. What a gift to be surrounded by people I love, and listening to my son express himself through his creativity. I was filled with and surrounded by sacred Love.
And now I'm off to buy French Vanilla creamer for my daughter, so we can share one last morning coffee together before she flies home. I am cherishing these moments, this life, today.
Anne - I had a similar experience yesterday in a "building where I go on Sundays to worship God in community with some friends" :0) in this case the Catholic Church in the neighborhood where I live. (I have another such place I go that is not as close to my house, but I go there because I am drawn to all the Love there).
Anyway. Him actually was with me for the first time since April. The music was beautful, the sancturay and the people were warm and friendly, and there was a wonderful Rite going on called the "Rite of Welcoming and Acceptance"
One of the participants in Rite (for inquirers taking the next step) was a companion dog to a blind woman, and the dog was standing there proudly as if he were solely responsible for the welcoming and accepting part. He was so happy just to be there.
Him and I kooked at eachother and smiled. It was one of those moments that touched both of us at the same time. We both teared up a little. It was great.
Correction to above. we "looked at eachother", not kooked at eachother.
Oh well...
Keren, how nice that you and Him experienced one of those moments of connection that never need explanation. I'm glad that you also enjoy a place where you go worship with others. I'd love to hear more about the Rite of Welcoming and Acceptance, if you remember details. Thanks so much for sharing your Sunday experience with me!
Both of you rock. I have stored this in my heart today. :)
Thanks Anne and Ruth. Y'all rock too!!!!
Anne I am very familiar with this Rite from my church which is not as close to my house, so I will blog about it soon. I went through it myself, and have sponsored people as a "proxy" sponsor during this beautiful rite, because they may have not yet been matched with a permanent one, or their sponsor couldnt be there for some reason.
I have sponsored one person, not from the start of her journey, but after her sponsor couldnt continue. I call her Pumpkin - she is my Goddaughter. I dont have children of my own (two pregnancies no births - long story), so my Pumpkin is very special to me.
Even tho we dont spend a whole lot of time together, she is special not only to me but to Him also. It is funny, To me, she is more like Him in personality and she and Him are very smart, but people have told us that she and I look alike. Like a biological child. :o)
More later
Marilyn Ruth - sorry - Mondays are not my best days for things like accuracy :o)
I should also explain that Pumpkin is about 10 years younger than me, an adult, also native to another country. The Rite discussed above is for Adults seeking to learn about and then join the Roman Catholic Church. Have a great day
Keren, thanks for providing more information. I don't know why I didn't realize what that was right away since I converted to the Catholic church in my 30s. Maybe I just never heard that term, or this wasn't a part of my classes at the time. Thanks again!
I attended a Catholic church for about a year when my Hannah was small. Everything was about love and the music was beautiful. They had singers in the back balcony who didn´t do ¨specials¨ but just enriched the singing of the congregation.
I felt the presence of God there.
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