God is Love. On our part, if we are connected to the "Love" in any situation, even in the tiniest bit in our hearts, the situation will work out for the best, for Love, for all involved.
Do you ever feel like the whole universe is involved in lovingly taking care of you? I do now. Once you start paying attention, it is all there waiting to take you in. Sometimes we dont recognize or understand it, but it is there.
The bottom photo is of our rosemary bush when it snowed here a few years ago. Can you see the tall rose bush behind the rosemary? THere are even little pink roses on it, and it was a week before Christmas.
Anyway, while it was blooming where it was, it was leggy and it was mainly hidden. So, I decided that the rose bush was not in a good place for it to really produce "good fruit". I thought it needed more sun. So, I carefully dug it up from a place where it had been for probably 20 years. It was a struggle of woman vs rose, the thorns cut me pretty bad as much as I tried to protect myself. I finally prevailed and replanted it next to the rosemary bush.
Well it died.
I threw it in the trash - root and all.
Instead of a thriving but leggy rose bush in a place I didnt think it should be, I had none. I really felt bad for it and for me.
However.. A year later I thought I saw something growing there that had leaves similar to rose leaves. This year it is obvious. Not only is there a baby rose bush with actual buds on it in the new place (top photo), also...in the original place behind the rosemary bush with almost no sun, there is also a baby rose bush growing (middle photo) hard to see but it is there. My milagros!
There must have been enough "essence" of the rose remaining in its original place and in the new place, given just a little time, it regenerated or resurrected in both places.
What I learned...It took the (brutal) digging up of the rose and its seeming death, to produce two new rose bushes. All in all...God/Love will be and is handling things, as much as we try to help, but on our part, if Love is the intention of our hearts to begin with, Love will be the outcome.
What I really gained from this though was the opportunity to witness the miracle of the passion of Christ, as it directly relates to me. Not in only in my garden but also in my earthly/spiritual life.
*A wonderful heart-friend of mmine may also know the significance of this as it relates to us. Not going into any detail here but... with totally good intentions and for good reason, I was sort of “tossed out” of a situation and this was painful and at first seemed to result in destruction, but instead it resulted in spiritual deepening and abundant "life" i.e, sort of an enhanced "connection" with Love/God in more ways than just one and probably for more people than just me. I am very grateful.
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This was revised in several places from its original version.
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