I love the little diner I go to once or twice a week on my lunch hour. I love the marbled oilcloth tablecloth, the heavy white porcelain coffee cup with the little round paper coaster under it, the thermos pot of coffee they leave with a dish of creamers. I love my alone time there. I love reading there. And mostly, for some reason, I love that it's filled with blue collar folk. Today I overheard the man next to me talk about hunting and how the deer aren't running, and how he sliced open his hand when he was out in the field and superglued his cut together, and it made me smile. I feel safe in the diner. Safe to be myself, safe that it doesn't matter what I look like or what I wear, safe and full of love for the waitresses in their matching tops, the factory workers in their overalls.
My son told me the other day that he's sure heaven is a jazz club at night in a big city. I plan on visiting him there. Sometimes the most ordinary places bring heaven crashing into earth, I think. Mine is a little mom-and-pop diner where the waitresses wear nametags and call me sweetheart.
Cool thought. I think Jesus really liked those kind of places, too.
Anne this made me feel warm and cozy just reading it! I have more to say but need to get to work. Uggghh. Actually, there is a lot of love there amidst all the busy-ness and egos (mine). I can always look forward to lots of great smiles and people, ok most people, saying something nice and someone making me laugh.
Marilyn, I think you're right that Jesus would be hanging out in a diner. Probably the jazz club too. Keren, I'm glad you felt warm and cozy reading that - God shows up all the time in unlikely places, doesn't he?
Beautiful thoughts, Anne. It reminds me of one of my all-time favorite tv shows, "Cheers." Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knowns your name And they're always glad you came."
I love going to my local cafe. They know what I order and we always have a pleasant conversation -- no matter who is working.
Kevin, thank you. I hadn't thought about "Cheers" in awhile - what a great show, and such truth in those lyrics. I know there are people who spend too much time alone, and are depressed and lonely. We were all made to be known by others, even if it's a waitress calling you by name, or a friend putting his hand on your shoulder. We all need to feel even the tiniest gestures of love on this human journey.
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