i returned from the week-long soularize experience in the bahamas, and wanted to share a few thoughts. it will take a while to truly unpack it all. in many respects, what occurred during the week was a affirmation and confirmation of various things that have been stewing or unfolding and evolving inside of me. this was helpful as i at times tend to be a self-doubting sort of person. brennan manning's main message was that people suffer because they are divided people, lost from the truth of their real identity as the beloved. when those of us who know who we are allow Love to flow through us to others, even in the simplest ways, we are helping stimulate the awakening in others. as i listened to brennan, the "turn love inside out" mentality grew in significance, and i am more convinced than ever of the power of love.
father richard rohr presented a talk on "stages of consciousness," which i greatly appreciated. i hope to track it down somewhere and link it so others can see it. in the six levels, number 5 is "wisdom" and reads...
"Your mind is now your servant. All previous stages are included, honored, and used effectively, but you transcend them to non dual thinking as such. You no longer know reality merely by comparison, competition, analysis, judgment, or critique. You no longer divide the field. No need to hate, exclude, deny, expel, or eliminate things, or overly attach to passing things. You are now patient with paradox and mystery, and can live with contradictions in yourself and others. The contemplative mind. Can care rightly because you have learned how not to care also."
one interesting thing also is that even though all these "stages of consciousness" were presented and explained, i had never been exposed to them in such fashion. and yet, i discovered my journey has involved passing through many of them. in other words, having the information itself is not necessary for one to grow through these stages. it doesn't have to be laid out in any sort of theological/intellectual format in order for people to get it. a farmer, truck driver, or waffle house waitress could just has easily grown into "level six" without such information. richard rohr pointed out more than once that suffering is often catalyst for growth.
that's all for now.
(photo by dan gilliam)
Jim you are a wonderful teacher, and are so open to learning from everyone and everything, in addition to sharing with everyone.
Im so glad you are sharing your Soularize experience. I want to go next year!
Thank you.
So cool to hear that those were the topics of discussion. It seems like God is having parallel discussions with folks all over the world.
Did anyone talk about the Oneness Blessing movement originating in India?
Ditto to what Keren said.
Marilyn :)
hey marilyn, a book you might be interested in...
A New Vision of Reality by Bede Griffiths
thanks to you both keren and marilyn for your encouragement. i'll google Oneness Blessing movement.
here's the link:
Thanks for the info, Jim!
Hi Jim,
I really missed not being at Soularize. Did you get to meet my friend Mike Morrell? He's a great guy.
hey kevin, though mike and i had interaction before soularize, it was our first face-to-face meeting. great guy!
"a farmer, truck driver, or waffle house waitress could just has easily grown into "level six" without such information."
Yes, there are similar stories in the Buddhist tradition of ordinary folks achieving total enlightenment without having engaged in any spiritual discipline or study. Much depends on the capacity for openness to whatever life offers.
Is that simply a gift that some are given, this openness? To me it seems that some of us have to struggle and flail for our growth, while for others, those blessed "poor" (empty) in spirit, the filling up happens much more easily. They don't appear to experience those thunderclaps of "aha!" moments; for them, love manages to be a prevalent steady-state humming.... I dunno if I'm making any sense here, but I hope someone gets my drift....
"richard rohr pointed out more than once that suffering is often catalyst for growth."
Yeah, like one of my favorite sayings: "The truth shall set you free, but first it'll make you miserable."
:-) Marky
Hey again Marky!
I have heard "emptiness" refered to as "Kenosis" a state of being emptied of self by ...something - usually associated with poetry - being taken out of yourself by something evocative.... oooo I love it.
Anyway. With regard to Jesus, The wonderful scripture - "Christ emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross" is/has been debated to who did the emptying. Did Jesus just come that way courtesy of the Father or did Jesus choose to empty himself or more like what you said He was the epitome of openness.
Oh and Marky, I liked this comment
"They don't appear to experience those thunderclaps of "aha!" moments; for them, love manages to be a prevalent steady-state humming...."
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