Honestly, Love has been a bit elusive lately. Well, maybe more so after last night when I asked a question I was reflecting on about whether I need to forgive someone if they have no remorse, and I was instantly jumped on by a few people in the group I was in, and felt that punched-in-the-stomach kind of feeling. So much for musing out loud. Then I started thinking about this blog, and how I should be writing about Love, and how I was feeling decidedly distant from that big, grand, awe-inspiring, soul-filling, life-shattering kind of Love. Ahhh. But then I found out that Jim Palmer had an excerpt from his upcoming book on Relevant Magazine's web site, and I read these words of his:
"There is a sizable gap between the number of knowledgeable Christians and the number of Christians who express the reality of God. Why is that? Really, why is that? I wonder if it’s because we too often take someone else’s word for it, rather than experiencing for ourselves God’s Spirit confirming Truth within us. Maybe that’s the difference between knowledge and knowing. We acquire knowledge by absorbing teachings others show us, but knowing occurs when the life of God within you reveals a truth and your spirit says, “I know that I know.”
Suddenly I feel a deep peace settle in. Just reading, "The life of God within", brought joy and love bubbling back up to the surface of my spirit. Providential, blessed, sacred timing. Divine encounters step in right when I need them most.
Photo by Bill Dahl
Anne - I felt the same way after I finally got home tonight and read the excerpt of Jim's book.
Im looking forwarding to reading the whole thing.
I put a comment on Jim's Divine Nobodies myspace
I also wanted to say something I am learning about forgiveness. It is hard but just do it. It not only has potential to release the other person, but more importantly it releases you.
Forgive forgive and forgive again. It is not easy, in fact it can be difficult...but it is one of the most spiritual actions you can take in this life, and you do not need a college degree or a certificate to do it.
Anne you have one of the most loving souls I have ever encountered. you have enough to "be the forgiveness" in every situation you encounter. I know this sounds "pat" and it is hard to realise but I feel this in you.
I had some trouble posting the last comment, but I also wanted to add that it is good to express your feelings even if others take it as an opportunity to punch you in the tummy.. you can just burp real loud in revenge. :0o
(what my Father used to call me - he later shortended it to just burple - he called the cat the same thing - neither one of use were big burpers...back then :o)
Keren, thank you for your comments, and especially for thinking I'm a loving person. May I keep growing into the person you think I am. As far as forgiveness, I had already forgiven the person in question, but was just musing on the theoretical. However, the stomach-punching part came from receiving such a fast and aggressive answer. A dear friend of mine's sister was murdered last year and she had a hard time forgiving her sister's killer. If she had asked the same question, I wouldn't have wanted her to encounter the same kind of reaction I did, you know?
yes, i agree that anne is one of the most loving souls i've encountered - she turns her Love inside out.
but also keren, you are such a unique and loving person yourself, and i have grown to appreciate all the wonderful ways God expresses himself through you.
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