

One, oneness, one body, non-duality, may they be one as we are one, one with all things, one with God, one with each other, one with nature, one with the universe, awakening to oneness, one . . .

God, what is this oneness thing? Does it mean we all think the same? Vote the same? Look the same? What does it mean? How do we know if we have it or know it or do it?

When the circle of Godś loving becoming unselfish living giving freshly flows through our hearts lovingly unselfishly living giving working gratefully treasuring blessing lifting others who soak up Godś loving transforming them as unselfish living lifting souls who freely give love living with no thought to self . . . blurring where one ends and another begins . . .

Then we are one.


Anne said...

"Blurring where one ends and another begins"...Keren, right there is the heart of it all, isn't it? When we simply love and feel compassion for others as we do for ourselves. "Love God, love one another" keeps taking on deeper meaning for me.

Keren said...

Beautiful post Marilyn, Inside and out. The photo is great!!

To me, when I ponder that we indeed are ALL reflections of God, everything and everyone looks different and, Yes Anne, I think you are right.., it does seem to blur the edges of me-ness so I (we) blend into all.

When someone trys to force hard edges, separation by turning away from me, bruising my feelings,doing something I dont like...whatever....I have lately been better able to hear the voice in my head more clearly "love them all"


Keren said...

P.S. Hope you are staying warm Marily Ruth with our first real cold front this year!

Marilyn Ruth said...


Yes, we canceled our camping trip - but the toy room needed cleaning and we are keeping warm. Hope you are too!
