I printed out an article the other night about motivation, self-discipline and perseverance and asked my son to read it. I thought it would inspire him, and he said, "Well, it kind of depresses me". Sometimes we mothers just don't get it right, you know? Instead of filling Carman with confidence and energy, it made him doubt his abilities and whether he had the focus to succeed in a career that he knows is highly competitive. We talked for awhile about his love of filmmaking, and he told me how he can't imagine doing anything else in life. Carman said, What if I don't make any money at it, though? I said if you're doing what you love, then you've succeeded. Still, despite my reassurances, he seemed unsettled and unsure. He was just getting ready to leave on an errand, and I saw the stress still furrowing his brow.
And then these words spilled strongly out of me - "Carman. I believe in you." And as I said them, I felt the power of them rise up in me. A power of Love filled with truth and faith, the power of words spoken purely from my soul. My son stopped midstep, removed his glasses and wiped his eyes. He felt it. I felt it. Love, faith, unquestioning belief. Everyone in the world should have a mother or father who says one time, "I believe in you. From the very depths of my being, I believe in you."
Wonderful story, Anne. Sometimes it seems to me that believing in them is the most important thing. Or even the only thing?
ooo. umm umm. This hits a sore spot with me. Even tho I am definitely old enough to be Carman's mother, I think I have his perspective on this at least as described in the first paragraph.
I have mentioned this before but I was not blessed with children in this life. I do have two babies in heaven who I grow closer and closer to each day.
All that said. This is about my wonderful mother who I love very much, who sends me articles about people my age who make a living with their "art" in a loving effort on her behalf to motivate me.
I pray about this, but I do not like being compared to people who have had more advantages than I have had, OR people who have been less advantaged than I am.
We are all the same at the core, but no one's story is like mine. No one's story is like Carman's.
I am glad you expressed your belief in him, my mother has done that too. It is sooo important to be affirmed by the people who love us.
Re: my art. ..I will get there! Believe in that, and I bet Carman feels the same way.
To me... and I dont know if this will resonate with Carman or not, but one of the most empowering statements I have read, recently, a year or so ago, even tho the book was written in the late 90's. From "return to Love" by Marianne Williamson
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same".
Peace and LOve
re: Thanksgiving. I have said before, but I am most grateful this Thanksgiving for everyone involved in any way in this site. I wish I could express how much I appreciate you all and your stories and photos, and videos, and your affirmation of me.
Peace and Love
anne...here's what struck me as i read your post in my own tears.
God was loving carman through and as you. at the core of your identity is Love, and you turned that Love out into expression to carman in what you said. carman was touched because he was hearing inside God speak these words through and as his loving, caring, believing mother. thank you for sharing this.
Anne - I just wanted to add - and I have said this before, but you and Carman seem to have such a wonderful relationship. I like what Jim wrote. You two are beautiful expressions of the Love of God following, being recieved and accepted, and then bounced out to the world.
Peace - Have a great Turkey day!!!! We finally have some cold weather - at least cold for this part of the country - I like it warm, but the cold is nice for a change.
I am so grateful for all your comments here. Actually I have tears in my eyes and just feel filled with love for each of you.
Jim, I think you're right about God speaking through me to Carman. There was a rush of energy so strong that I felt it was Spirit speaking, not me. I know that my love often represents God's love to him. On the other hand, I don't know that I've ever had anyone as kind and loving in my life as Carman. Not that all my children aren't loving - there's just a remarkable awareness and gentleness that Carman seems to have for others.
Keren, the quote by Marianne Williamson is one of my favorites and that book sits nearby on my bookcase. Thank you for that, and also for talking about the tension you experienced from your own mother's "well meaning" articles she sends. That's so good for me to hear.
Marilyn, how much would the world change if each child knew that someone believed in all they could become? It's so upside-down to think that some children have to fight the opposite, hearing how worthless they are, when they are filled with divine Love.
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