Do something different; trying new, playful things to get out of a rut; or a little change can set you free.
Tarot cards: Him and I love to shop at HalfPrice Books. On the last few trips I have picked up a book on Tarot and immediately put it back down. Subsequently, I read a book by Thomas Moore “Dark Night of the Soul” which really spoke to me, I highly recommend it to people experiencing interior or exterior difficulties or feel they are in a dark place. In that book, though not as a recommendation, Moore mentions having a deck of Tarot cards. So the next time we go to the store, the Tarot book is still there, I buy it and a box of cards, now I am hooked. I even read my hairstylist’s cards. She is going to grow in financial security! :o)
I don’t believe there is any magic in it. Similar to dream interpretation, the symbols on the cards spark a recognition in our subconscious which we respond to. Our subconscious, perhaps, is more closely attuned to our soul. Our subconscious, perhaps, has a deeper knowledge of our experiences, past present and maybe future. Who knows? Please tell me if I am wrong. Maybe I need to ask a priest about it, is this something I need to go to confession over? I do say an Our Father, a Hail Mary, and a Glory Be as I shuffle the cards….
Hula Hoops: I have been in a non-exercise rut. My Doctor kindly suggests I need to get out of it. A girlfriend, age 54, told me about hula hoops. Not the lightweight plastic kid kind which are actually difficult for an adult to use. There are adult sized hoops, average 36” diameter, that are heavier, but easier to use. I can’t explain the physics. After two days of trying, I finally got the hang of it and I love it. It is like dancing/ playing for exercise – once you pick it up it is hard to put down. Don’t worry about looking silly – you will but who cares, and if I can do it, anyone can!
You can buy them too, but My Him made me two of them. Here is a link how. http://www.jasonunbound.com/hoops.html
Now there is a little strangeness for you this Sunday morning. :o)
Peace Keren
Keren, I love your strangeness! :) For one thing, I have an urge to go buy a hula hoop. (No way am I making my own.) I know nothing about Tarot cards - why do you think you were drawn to them? I did read Moore's book a long time ago, though, and remember it was amazing, and I should read it again.
Yes, I am looking more into Thomas Moore, haha. Compelling books, seems real..not too academic..or dry like some psychological writers can be. Seems from the heart.
Initially, I picked up the Tarot book because I had just talked to a friend I used to work with at a country club. We always had a huge New Year's Eve party for the members, and sometimes would hire "fortune tellers" You know, to bring in the New Year with - what is going to happen this year sort of thing. We had beautiful lady who was a "psychic" and she would bring a palm reader and a tarot card reader. Being unfamiliar with that sort of thing, I remember seeing the reasonableness.. for lack of better word, in something that others might feel hokey or false.
After talking to my friend, having the memories, seeing the book, and... needing extra money..I thought - hey, I can do this...I can learn how and they can hire me to read the cards. I put it down several times, telling my self it was silly or anti-Christian (which it is not - at least that I can tell)
Seriously. I havent hit my friend up yet who hires the folks for the party, but maybe by next year...
Love you.. oh and re: the hula hoop. I live in a big city with lots of sporting goods stores, and I couldnt find a bricks and mortar to go buy a hoop. You may have to google "hula hoops for exercise" or "adult hula hoop" and buy one on line.
I've been a reader of Tarot for many years, and one of the best books I can recommend on the subject is Meditations on the Tarot: A Journey into Christian Hermeticism. It's not light reading; check out amazon.com reviews for a better understanding of the book. I haven't read it cover to cover; instead I've dipped into specific symbols when they've emerged as portals into deeper spiritual understanding during various times in my life.
My long-standing favorite image is that of Temperance: in traditional decks, an angel pours water from one vessel into another, and the water flows at an impossible angle relative to gravity and the earth. What might such a concept whisper to your own inner being?
Namaste, Marky
Hi Keren,
If you're serious about diving more into Thomas Moore, you might be interested in a blog about his work, Barque: Thomas Moore at http://barque.blogspot.com . It links to a free forum that could benefit from your insights and energy. Start a discussion about Tarot if that's an interest and see where it leads... His new book A Life's Work will be available in February 2008. It could have lots of ideas about making $$$ in the right way.
Namaste Marky, and thank you for your comments. I have not yet looked at the Temperance card in depth, but now with your eyes via your description, what speaks to me regarding the water flowing from one vessel in an impossible way to another vessel,
reminds me of the story of Jesus with the woman at the well.
Through His complete knowlege of her, he transfered His "living water" to her. She will never be thirsty
Water flows from a higher (ie spiritual)elevation to a lower (earthly) elevation no matter its lattitude (placement).
Since he knew her, she was able to know him. Since she knew him she was able to transfer His "living water" to others.
Just my thoughts. I will look into the book on Hermetics.
Thanks again and peace
Thanks and Namaste to you too Anonymous/Deborah. I will look forward to the new book and to looking at the Barque: Thomas Moore blog.
I wish I hadnt mentioned the part of making money with it, but it was one of the reasons I initially picked up the tarot book. Knowing me tho - If I am ever able to really read the cards, i will give it away like everything esle.
Nothing wrong with making money tho - right or wrong is not for me to judge.
Peace and thanks again!
I love this post. For me it is sort of a God speaks to us everywhere thing. And also a thing about joy being found in places we have not thought about before.
Thank you so much!
Hi Keren,
Your post reminded me of the magi in Matthew 2. They came to find Jesus because they saw his star. Also, it reminds me of the line from the old hymn "This is My Father's World." It goes, "In the rustling grass I hear him pass. he speaks to me everywhere."
I'm with Marilyn - God speaks to us through all things, for He has dominion. I think He's full of surprises. In fact, I've started calling him That Crazy Dude...
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