
Longing for the Rhythm

Boom chick a boom chick
Ba da da ba da da ba da da ba da da
Whooooooo-ah who-ahh
Mo-mahh mo-mahhhhhhh

Loving flowing working savoring
Worshiping grateful serving faithful
Living giving heart forgiving
Loving resting praying waiting
Ba da da ba da da ba da da ba da da
Who who-ahhhhhhhhh
Who who-ahhhhhhhhh

Photo by Ian Britton, freefoto.com


Keren said...


I love your song, I love the photo - both have Super Rays flowing from a center of light! I see it and feel it!

Longing for Rhythm - great title - to me the title describes something near and dear to me. We do long for rhythm in all aspects of life and it is always there whether we recognise it or not.

Rhythm is movement even if it seems to go nowhere! Like dancing alone.

Thanks Marilyn Ruth.

I love the onomatopoeia.

pahda...pahhh...pahda, plop.
Im pooped time to stop...
for a while :0)

Marilyn Ruth said...

Cool, Keren. You know. :)

It is sort of like Nikeś Just Do It, or Sue Bender´s Worship God in Your Daily Work.

Like you said, Dancing.

Flowing going dancing moving
Loving lifting God is gifting
Singing saying always praying
The circle of life is golden

It is the middle of the night. Back to bed for me too. Thanks.

God bless you deeply. :)