
God bless you!

God bless Mommy,

God bless Daddy,

God bless Grandma and Grandpa,

God bless my brothers and sisters . . . and Rover . . . . and all my friends at school!

I have viewed this as a trite child´s prayer, but now I wonder if is isn´t the most powerful prayer of all. It is a prayer of love, a prayer for peace, a prayer for Godś will, God´s grace, God´s forgiveness. It is Godś love flowing through us, sent swiftly to others.

What would happen if we prayed these prayers of blessing to others at every opportunity during the day? We could start by focusing on our immediate family members, and then branching out to others around us. And we would never stop. We would just keep praying in our hearts, ¨God bless you, God bless you, God bless you, God bless you, God bless you . . . ¨


Keren said...

I love this. A friend showed me a photo today of a little boy kneeling by his bed with hands clapsed and eyes closed in pray, and his dog right beside him in the same pose. Like you said, Kid's prayers are the best. Jesus always said to be like a child to enter the kingdom

To me, asking silently in my heart for God to bless someone is like giving an anonymous gift.

Lovely post to read as I am about to crash - I'll start with God Bless Marilyn Ruth and all our TLIO buddies.
Peace and Love

Marilyn Ruth said...

God bless you, Keren. :)

Another thought about "blessings" . . . I used to view them mostly as material things given to us . . . or as some gooey feelings . . .

Now I see the center of a blessing being the work of love, forgiveness, healing, and humility that God does inside of us.

In my mind I see it working and churning and burning and spinning faster and faster until this ball of fire - the essence and power of God - love in its pure form - shoots out of our hearts at the speed of light in our intentions of love (prayer) for another.

Super love rays - whoosh!