Voices of Light/VI. Torture (Voice) - Netherlands Radio Choir;Netherlands Radio Philharmonic;Anonymous 4;Steven Mercurio(Jesus's Passion helps us bear our own pains and those of our loved ones...Contemplating the taste of gall as well as the taste honey....K)
From Richard Einhorns’ Voices of Light:
the Passion of St. Joan of Arc
The Netherlands Radio Chorus and Anonymous 4
Glorioses playes... Glorious wounds...
Marguerite d'Oingt, early 14th
Century visionary and poet.Et desiderabam videre vel saltem illud
parum de carne Christi quod portaverant
clavi in ligno.
And I longed to see at least that little bit of
Christ's flesh that the nails had fixed to the
Blessed Angela of FolignoGlorioses playes... Glorious wounds...
Marguerite d'Oingt...ostendit cor suum perforatum quasi ad
modum portulae unius parvae laternae ...
quod ex ipso corde exiverunt radii solares.
Imo solaribus radiis clariores...
He showed [her] his heart, perforated like
the openings in a small lantern...From his
very heart issued forth rays of the sun --no
--- brighter than the sun's rays...
Na Prous BonetaGlorioses playes... Glorious wounds...
Marguerite d'Oingt...«non est aequum, velle solum de melle
meo gustare, et non de felle: si perfecte vis
mecum uniri, mente intenta recogita
illusiones, opprobria, flagella, mortem, et
tormenta, quae pro te sustinui.»
..."It is not fair to wish to taste only of my
honey, and not the gall. If you wish to be
perfectly united with me, contemplate
deeply the mockery, insults, whippings,
death and torments that I endured for
Blessed Margarita, disciple of St.
Umiltà, 14th Century.Glorioses playes... Glorious wounds...
Marguerite d'Oingt**************
(excerpts from Mark Twain’s essay on St. Joan of Arc – I put the full article in a comment to this blog -
I am fascinated by Mark Twain (a religious curmudgeon to say the least)... particularly I am fascinated by his interest, no..better said .. his LOVE...across-the-centuries-love of St Joan of Arc.
I can only imagine what went through the mind and heart of this creator of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, when he first read the recently released (at that time) transcripts, first written in Modern French of her trial. To me it is ironic that his many of his books received the same fate as did St. Joan.)
"...She was deeply religious, and believed that she had daily speech with angels; that she saw them face to face, and that they counselled her, comforted and heartened her, and brought commands to her direct from God. She had a childlike faith in the heavenly origin of her apparitions and her Voices, and not any threat of any form of death was able to frighten it out of her loyal heart. She was a beautiful and simple and lovable character. In the records of the Trials this comes out in clear and shining detail. She was gentle and winning and affectionate, she loved her home and friends and her village life; she was miserable in the presence of pain and suffering; she was full of compassion: on the field of her most splendid victory she forgot her triumphs to hold in her lap the head of a dying enemy and comfort his passing spirit with pitying words; in an age when it was common to slaughter prisoners she stood dauntless between hers and harm, and saved them alive; she was forgiving, generous, unselfish, magnanimous; she was pure from all spot or stain of baseness. And always she was a girl; and dear and worshipful, as is meet for that estate: when she fell wounded, the first time, she was frightened, and cried when she saw her blood gushing from her breast; but she was Joan of Arc! and when presently she found that her generals were sounding the retreat, she staggered to her feet and led the assault again and took that place by storm.
There is no blemish in that rounded and beautiful character.
Taking into account, as I have suggested before, all the circumstances -- her origin, youth, sex, illiteracy, early environment, and the obstructing conditions under which she exploited her high gifts and made her conquests in the field and before the courts that tried her for her life, -- she is easily and by far the most extraordinary person the human race has ever produced."