
Lent 2009: Day 18

Lenten Journey through the Spiritual Alphabet
Psalm 119, Sustainable Love

Teth (part 2)
The arrogant smear me with lies,
but I observe your precepts with all my heart.
Their hearts are gross and fat;
as for me, your teaching is my delight.
It was good for me to be afflicted,
in order to learn your laws.
Teaching from your lips is more precious to me
than heaps of silver and gold.

I don't have anyone smearing me with lies, not that I am aware of at least :o)
However...this stanza somehow brings to mind the book Thorn Birds, when the young and ambitious priest takes the young girl’s inheritance for himself and his ambition. He absolves himself of this sin by saying “it is for her own good – she (her family) would not know how to handle it – God would agree, God will understand”

Also reminds me of the joke…Three God-fearing men are left stranded on a remote deserted island. Two are panicking and making attempts at being rescued. The third sits back and says “Relax, have peace, don’t worry, we will be rescued soon”
The other two say “how can you have such faith?”
The third says
“I have no doubt, nor fear.
I donate $50,000 a week to my church,
my pastor will find me!!!”

O heavenly Love
I have been affirmed of my uselessness to others,
affirmed of my worldly inadequacy and incompetence...
and your Word has rescued me.

You laws are my adequacy and competence...
and I am enlightened in Your Presence.

I have nothing to donate except this Light you gave me to share.
Having Your Light is my most precious treasure...
and It goes with me everywhere I go

Teach me how to let it shine more,
and hide it less

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