
Lent 2009: Day 22 (a little early)

Lenten Journey through the Spiritual Alphabet
Psalm 119, Sustainable Love

Kaph (Part 2)
When will your edict doom my foes?
The arrogant have dug pits for me;
defying your teaching.
All your commands are steadfast.
Help me! I am pursued without cause.
They have almost ended my life on earth,
but I do not forsake your precepts.
In your kindness give me life,
to keep the decrees you have spoken.

Jesus answered, "Are there not twelve hours in a day?
If one walks during the day, he does not
because he sees the light of this world.

But if one walks at night,
he stumbles,
because the light is not in him."

….."I am the resurrection and the life;
whoever believes in me, even if he dies,
will live,
and everyone who lives and believes in me
will never die.

Do you believe this?"

(excerpts John 11)

1 comment:

Keren said...

I am beginning to sense a sort of an understanding of the way I believe.

For one thing, it takes time going from one place to another and movement forward is extremely difficult when dark forces of any kind - painful memories, regrets, etc. - are clouding your vision.

Sometimes it is nothing I do, but someone else's change that clarifies / brings to light a change that is also happening in me.

Seeing this happen in someone else, somehow completes something on its own in me, and begins a new cycle for all concerned.

Dear Heavenly Father,
I believe in your resurrection, I just havent been able to begin to really believe I could live with it until now.
