If people can can “buy and sell goods and services directly to each other - honestly, fairly, and openly,” can’t people share their spiritual journey with each other - honestly, fairly, and openly?
It says, “Every day millions of Ebay users come together to trade and share their knowledge, passion, and interests with each other.” Can’t people come together every day and trade their stories, share from their experience, and encourage one another along in the mutual desire for freedom and truth?
I believe they can…we can.
I believe you and I and people everywhere can be a community. And like a street or neighborhood or a town, that we can take care of each other, help each other, do right by each other, listen to each other, be there for each other. That despite our differences and wherever we happen to be on the journey, that we can see and affirm the good in each other and learn from each other. It’s what divine nobodies do.
It is these thoughts and feelings that motivated the idea of the Divine Nobodies Network. It won’t be officially launched until May, but I want to invite you to join and begin poking around and creating your space.
I close my eyes and imagine that with every nobody who joins, every story shared, every photograph and video and song uploaded, every discussion or conversation or note or comment or email, every new group, ever interaction and new friendship, every expression of compassion and love and acceptance, and the face-to-face enounters and friendships that are born…that each and every one of these will move all of us a little closer to the truth.
…and that we will see and experience that the strength of our community is not in one but in all - the power of all of us together in the Divine Nobodies Network.
(photo by zoo gal)
1 comment:
Good luck with this community Jim it sounds like a winner and should be supportive and motivating to alot of people.
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