
Lent 2009: Day 5

Lenten Journey through the Spiritual Alphabet
Psalm 119, Sustainable Love

Gimel, (part 1)
Be kind to your servant that I may live, that I may keep your word.
Open my eyes to see clearly the wonders of your teachings.
I am a sojourner in the land; do not hide your commands from me.
At all times my soul is stirred with longing for your edicts.

Let us live in Love Lord.
Help me see clearly my own reality and
how Your Love breathes life into me.
I have no “place,” no theory, no way-of-life to call my own,
except Your Way - Your Love.
I am breathless for Your Word throughout existence.
My husband, who has Parkinson’s disease, and degenerative spine disease, has been in a bad way. He has been doing great since his cervical spine surgery last May, but now all of a sudden he is back in treatment for some lower spine deterioration, and, most painful and debilitating, a bone spur poking into his spinal column. He will have a Myelogram early next week, in which a dye is injected in his spinal fluid and then x-rays are taken to determine places of stenosis (narrowing) or blockage. Then, next steps will be determined.

It seems Parkinson’s patients (“victims” as Him jokingly says) also many times suffer with spine deterioration, arthritis, bone spurs, etc. Pope John Paul II is a good example.

This lent, my fasting will include giving up self-medicating and hiding from my own reality;
my prayer continuous;
my almsgiving and giving of self led by my current commitments and ofcourse, the Spirit.

I pray for the intercession of Soon-to-be-Saint Pope John Paul II to Jesus to heal my husband’s disease and discomfort.


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